Cities: Skylines - Industries

a game by Colossal Order Ltd.
Platform: PC (2018)
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Download Simulator Games, Building Games, Download Strategy Games, City Building Games, Economy Games, Cities: Skylines Series
Cities: Skylines - Industries
Cities: Skylines - Industries
Cities: Skylines - Industries
Cities: Skylines - Industries

Cities: Skylines - Industries is an add-on to the popular urban planning game Cities: Skylines that adds new options for managing the industry and economy in your city. This expansion allows players to delve deeper into aspects of manufacturing and logistics, and provides new mechanics for creating and managing industrial zones. Players take on the role of a mayor who strives to create efficient production chains, meet the needs of citizens, and grow the region's economy.

Game Features

  • In-depth management, up to the creation of production chains in a factory
  • Variety of specializations, allowing you to experiment with the economy
  • New maps and scenarios
  • Improved visual effects
  • Mod support

Download Cities: Skylines - Industries


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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