Download Naruto Porn Games

Download Naruto Porn Games and embrace the XXX side of ninjitsu! There are some great Naruto games, but here we have adult Naruto games that feature all your favorite characters in hot XXX action! Fighting and screwing is the name of the game here! Play now!

Games Total: 21

Editors' Choice

You will be amazed by how many Naruto porn games we have here at Gamefabrique! This is one of the most popular anime shows of all time and as a result, it has seen more than a few lewd games based on it over the years. As we are huge fans of the anime and XXX games, we felt that it was only fitting we had a whole section here on the site dedicated to them. We wanted to have some fun, so we are sharing with you what we feel are some of the best games to start with.

Naruto: Shinobi Lord is not your typical Naruto fighting game like NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4! This is a prime example of what Naruto porn games are all about. We play as an original character that sees themselves transported to the world of Naruto. We get to interact with various characters, hook up with them and of course, try and save the day as well. This is a neat XXX story driven adventure kind of game and one that is well worth checking out.

If you are not scared of a bit of grinding (think of it as training as this is a Naruto game) then we are sure that you will have a lot of fun with Takei’s Journey. What makes this one of the best Naruto porn games is that it is telling its own original story. It is not like something such as NARUTO X BORUTO Ultimate Ninja STORM CONNECTIONS that is retelling the events of the anime. Here we play as the last male of the Takei Clan and we are trying to bring the clan back to its glory…. And have a lot of hot anime sex of course!

Jikage Rising is one of the best looking Naruto porn games that you will ever see! This is a lewd sandbox game and it is awesome if you have always dreamed about being able to do what you want with the hot ladies of the world of Naruto. We have a special power in this game that lets us wipe the minds of the women here and we then get to try and corrupt them into doing what we want!

One game that everyone here at the Gamefabrique office agreed needed a special mention in our Naruto porn games section was Sarada Rising. What is neat about this is that the MC we play as is not some kind of ninja in training or even a classic Naruto character! They are someone like us who has loved playing Naruto games over the years such as Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm and all the rest. Well, this guy ends up dead and instead of going to Heaven, he ends up in the world of Naruto! This is fun stuff and something Naruto fans will get a huge kick out of.

Another one of the Naruto porn games that we think is really cool is Naruto: World of Dreams. This is a straight up lewd visual novel and what we love about this is that the story it is telling is really interesting. Basically, Obito has managed to get his way and his plans for the Infinite Tsukuyomi have been realized. We have to read the story and make key choices to move it along in the right direction and of course, unlock some of that sweet Naruto XXX content that the game has. We love games like Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, but with this being a lewd visual novel, it is offering something very different for hardcore Naruto fans.

We have some huge Naruto fans here at the Gamefabrique office and they are very happy with the selection of Naruto porn games that we have managed to put together. From lewd RPGs to visual novels, there is something here no matter what style of games you are into!

Best 21 Naruto Porn Games

Viewing games 1 to 21 (of 21 games)

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