Flat Eye

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a game by Monkey Moon
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Simulator Games, Strategy Games, Story-Rich Games, Mystery Games, Games Where Choices Matter, Best Detective Games
Flat Eye
Flat Eye
Flat Eye
Flat Eye

What an interesting premise Flat Eye is bringing to the table. This is a management sim style of game with a bit of a sci-fi twist to it that has intrigued me greatly. I have been keeping a close eye on this one for a while and I thought that today I would get my thoughts on the game out there to hopefully get a few more people excited about this game. It looks like it is going to be the kind of game that could be very addictive for those that are into this type of thing.

Do Not Disappoint Your AI Overlords!

The premise of Flat Eye is that you are the person in charge of a new location for this massive company that deals with the most cutting edge of technologies. We are talking about things like teleportation machines, machines to grow new limbs, machines to carry a baby, machines to wipe your memory, and stuff like that! Your “shop” is in what is classed as a prime location so that means you will have some very special customers called, Premium Customers that show up.

The Customer Is Always Right

You need to always keep your business moving forward in Flat Eye and remember how I just talked about those Premium Customers? Well, these customers will only shop up when you have installed a certain new piece of technology. There is a great deal of research going on back at HQ and as you progress through the game you will gain access to more and more advanced, expensive, and profitable technology. These customers also have their own stories too and the game has a bit of a “how technology is shaping the world” vibe to it with how the narrative goes. Getting to see how this new technology is affecting people in both a good and bad way I think is going to be a very interesting aspect of this game.

Reporting Those Earnings

The person in charge of Flat Eye is the world's most advanced AI and at the end of each day, you have to report your earnings. Your job is ultimately to keep the money coming in and also help advance humanity by offering these various technologies to them. This is the kind of game that once you get into the groove of it, it can become very addictive as you always want to be moving on to the next big thing…. This is quite clever as that is what mankind is actually like with technology in the real world.

Come On Down To South Park

Ok, so this is going to sound super weird, but the world that the game is set in, with how snowy and white it is and the way buildings are lined up gives, Flat Eye a kind of South Park look to me. I know that is an odd comparison to make, but it has a very clean and sterile kind of look to the visuals, and to be honest with you, that is how I could see a technologically advancing society kind of look. The people have some strange animation to them and a rather “interesting” look, but it somehow all works here.


I get that games like these are not always for everyone, but if you do enjoy a good management sim, I think that Flat Eye is well worth your time checking out. There are some really neat ideas at play in this game and the way it is all themed about ever advancing technology and the effect that it has on mankind gives it a kind of sci-fi vibe as far as the narrative of the game goes.


  • There are many interesting technologies you can use
  • It is interesting how you get to experience different people’s stories
  • You always feel like you are on the verge of getting a new module to add to your store
  • The presentation works well with the setting of the game


  • Games like this can sometimes be a bit slow
  • While the graphics work with the game, they are a bit basic and that may bother some people

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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