The Kingdom of God

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Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Best Indie Games, Strategy Games, Building Games, City Building Games
The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is a strategy, building, and management 2D game. You are a god, and your task is to create your very own country and find a way to be able to expand your divine territory while also doing everything you can to protect it from others. The universe is gigantic but also dangerous. Learn how to manage and utilize your resources while also properly using and discovering new ways to use your magic as a way to help expand your territory even more.

Aim To Become The King

Your aim is to be able to not only explore this vast universe while aiming to become the most powerful and most significant kingdom to be able to earn the title of the King and be the god that stands above all the others, but it is also to be able to manage your kingdom and resources appropriately. To be able to stand atop all other gods is going to be no easy task, but by doing your best, you will be able to achieve this.

So you're going to need to think and act smart, as finding the right way to expand your kingdom is going to be vital. At certain times, random events will occur, and while you can't directly interfere with the end results, depending on your actions, you can indirectly influence the outcome of these events. To be able to use your magic correctly is one of the critical aspects of the game, as a stronger one will make your life easier. However, the use of magic won't solve all your problems, so be sure to think wisely when to use them.

It is important to keep in mind that you are not the only god that is aiming to become the King, as while expanding your country, you are going to inevitably come across others that share the same objective as you. But it is up to you to choose how to act, as you can either try a peaceful approach or simply destroy them if you don't want to cooperate or take the risk of someone being a future threat to you.


If you're into games like Rimworld and Factorio, then you will feel familiar with The Kingdom of God gameplay. While the concept of the game seems really interesting, it is essential to remember that this is the first game that the developers have officially launched. The game currently has mixed reviews, as it now has 69% of good reviews from its players.


However, the team is focused on creating even better projects and is already working on their next one. They also expressed that they are open to any feedback, be it positive or negative, and that they are looking forward to creating an even better game. The game is still receiving updates, so we expect to see some more patches released in the future and, who knows, some more content.


  • Cool concept


  • Time-consuming
  • Overall not a fun game

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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