Command & Conquer

Download Command & Conquer and immerse yourself in the legendary real-time strategy game that defined a genre! Build your base, command your forces, and conquer your enemies. The battlefield awaits – play now!
a game by Westwood, and Looking Glass Studios, Inc.
Genre: Strategy/War
Platforms: PC, Sega GenesisGenesis, Nintendo 64Nintendo 64, Playstation
Editor Rating: 8.1/10, based on 8 reviews, 10 reviews are shown
User Rating: 9.8/10 - 9 votes
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See also: Best RTS Games Download, Command & Conquer Games, Games Like Supreme Commander

Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Now before we begin, here's the entire review summed up in a handy, bite-sized algebraic equation. Ready? Command 6 Conquer equals Dune2 plus Cannon Fodder, times five. Or, to shorten things further and make it look more mathematical, how about this: C&C=(D2+CF)'5. Pretty neat, eh? The only extra information you may require is that immand & Conquer has been produced by the same am who wrote the twice aforementioned Dune 2, and could, very very easily, be called Dune 3. (If it was set on Arrakis, of course, which it isn't - but you know what I mean).

No, I don't know what you mean...

rhe only reason for not being up to speed at this early point in the view has to denote a severe unfamiliarity with Dune 2. And this can be forgiven, seeing as it did come out over a year ago. So here's a quick prequel update for the uninitiated. Dune 2 took the viewpoint and exploratory factors from CiVilizat-Iplease... I'm not explaining Civilization as well - we'd be here all hay), and added to it an element of Sim City, whereby you had to set up a "war base" in the middle of an unknown territory. The more you managed to build up your base, the more goodies you could make - such as soldiers, tanks, rocket launchers and so forth. The unexplored areas around you, as with Civilization, were initially "blacked out". You couldn't see diddly, essentially, until you sent wouts out to have a little looksie. The rub was, however, that there Acre heaps upon heaps of baddies out there, who were up to the same thing as you.

Dune 2 scored a particular hit (with me at least) in that it wasn't "turn based". It was, instead, all in real-time. Action, action, action from the word go - the mouse spent much of its time transformed into a vicious blur as you highlighted your troops and told them where to go.

And addictive? Ha! "Do you want to come round my place and do some crack?" said a friend on the telephone one time. "No," I said, Tm playing Dune 2". That sort of thing.

But anyway. Dune 2 was excellent. Its only problem was that there just weren't enough levels, and that the "story" didn't really contain a sense of "unfolding", as it were. It was just plonk, plonk, plonk... game complete.

And you say Cannon Fodder?

Lveryone is going to say Command & Conquer (C&C) is like Dune 2 and Cannon Fodder, which is why I made sure I did as well. But seeing as how Cannon Fodder was itself vaguely similar to Dune 2 in the first place, it's unsurprising that it gets a mention in the genre stakes.

In fact, about the only place in which C&C is more similar to Cannon Fodder than it is to Dune 2 is in that it's rather more "soldiery" (as opposed to overtly "sci-fi"). In Cannon Fodder, though, you only ever got to play around (and this isn't a criticism) with a handful of troop members at a time. In C&C you get to play around with about a zillion. And then there are the equally numerous tanks and things, taking us up to roughly 9000 squillion units, all on the go«imultaneously, all blasting away like nobody's business. Screams, mutilations, tactics, bravado. Yummy.

Hmmm, but suddenly I'm suspicious...

Don't be. Really. Just think "Blimey, what a scrupulously honest computer mag." and stick with what I'm saying. lirm. which was what exactly? Oh. shit. I've forgotten where I was now. What was the last-but-onc heading again?

Download Command & Conquer


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Game modes: Single game mode

Player controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
  • Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
  • "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
  • "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
  • "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)

Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.

Nintendo 64

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Game That Changed The World

WE'RE BACK in 1995, it's The United Nations' Year Of Tolerance, John Major is Prime Minister for the fifth year, The Gulf War is over, Chechnya is at war for a second year, Everton beat Man Utd in the FA Cup and the PC gaming world is heralding a new messiah on the block yet again - Westwood Studios' amazing real-time strategy (RTS) game Command & Conquer. A game that set the standard for point-and-click 'toy soldier' style strategy games, and forever lived on in the spirit of other RTS classics that followed it.

Before Command & Conquer the PC had comfortably played host to numerous turn-based strategy games. Mostly they were interface-heavy clunkers with overhead maps and the kind of titchy graphics that would make your eyes screw up. Even worse - they were invariably graced with fantasy or ultra-real war settings and involved hex maps, which made them even more off-putting. The PC needed something hard and refreshing, like an unexpected shag at a party, to get the genre going again.

It wasn't actually the original Command & Conquer that gave birth to the resource management gameplay concept that defined the series - it was a little-known sequel called Dune 2, developed for the Sega Megadrive and converted to other formats by Westwood in 1993.

Dune 2: BattleFor Arrakis, to give the game its full UK title, was a hit, though didn't set the world on fire. It had unit-based combat, realtime strategy, resource management (you'd mine 'spice' to create new assets) and the now famous isometric tiled viewpoint. Most strategy fans loved Dune 2 and realised it had special addictive qualities. Strictly speaking it was the blueprint for real-time strategy, one that laid the foundations for C&C - as Wolfenstein was to Doom, so was Dune 2 to C&C. Joe Bostic, designer and programmer on Dune 2 and lead programmer and original concept on Command & Conquer, expands on this: "I think the appeal was the combination of plausible sci-fi military units melded with the real-time aspects of Populous with a light splash of the unit progression found in Civilization," he says. "We weren't exactly sure it would work at first, but when we had so much fun playing it in the office, we knew we were on to something." And indeed they were.

Development of the first C&C was speedy, focused and fun. As Bostic says: "It was so much fun that I would sometimes marvel that I actually got paid as well... I recall one time when we were secretly coding the dinosaur levels into the game (management didn't know we were doing it) and they accidentally popped up during a test when management was in the room. We had to do some fast explaining, but the cat was out of the bag. At first they were upset, but decided to let us 'have our fun' and the missions stayed in the game."

Louis Castle says, though, that it wasn't really a "working party" style atmosphere in the office and that because everyone was working on numerous titles at once it didn't offer much time to look back and celebrate.

Erik Yeo goes for the middle ground: "It was generally quiet and mostly professional," he says, "but we always had fun. We were making games for a living, so there was always a fun side to everything."

Why So Special?

The 'fun' sentiment came across in early builds of the game. Many early beta testers found themselves entwined in the Command & Conquer universe within a few hours of playing, and it suddenly began to sink in at Westwood that it had a potential classic on its hands. Joe Bostic remembers this part of development fondly: "It was sometimes difficult to get the playtest department to test," he laughs. "I would often find them starting a campaign to test one element of the game, and before you knew it they got carried away and were playing for fun. In a way, this is a compliment to the game, so I wasn't too upset."

Erik Yeo also noted the excitement in Westwood's playtesters at the time: "I overheard the QA guys excitedly swapping war stories from multiplay sessions once," Yeo enthuses, "and I also noticed they were spending their free time playing a game that was supposed to be work, which was encouraging." Louis Castle suggests that this rubbed-off on C&C's coding team and drove them to previously unseen levels of commitment and passion in their search for the best game possible.

But what was it that made the game so special? Why did the playtesters love it so much?

"It was the fact that you could move around troops and tanks in a virtual sandbox that harkened back to the days of playing with toy soldiers," says Joe Bostic. "Also the fact that you could squish guys with your tanks..."

Erik Yeo and Louis Castle have their theories as well: "The resource model and base management were important but never overbearing or impossible to learn," claims Yeo. "Multiplayer was always interesting because it could last ten minutes or several hours and playing real people is always more interesting than Al. I think the solo-play mission design and pacing was good enough to keep people up late."

"I have always been amazed with the loss of time experienced by the player," says Castle. "The realisation that you've been playing for hours and it felt like minutes. Plus, the basic mechanics of balancing creation, defence and offence in a struggle over limited resources."


When the game was finished and the reviews came in, Westwood was chuffed with the response. Most critics loved it, despite a few minor niggles, and magazine covers and awards came thick and fast. But did the developers realise at the time how big the Command & Conquer name would become?

"No, I can't say we knew it would become the phenomenon it did," says Louis Castle, "but we were ready to push it, and the sequels, as far as we could. The mixture of a rich strategic game with the action of real-time decisions felt to all of us like a revolutionary idea for the strategy genre. As big as the game felt we had no idea it would become the beginning of the largest market segment of PC games." As previously touched upon, C&C was not without its problems. In early versions units and troops would take wayward routes to their destinations, leading to a "mini backlash" from fans after the initial frenzy calmed down.

"Find-path logic was always a problem," admits Joe Bostic, "especially in dealing with bridges and traffic jams. That said: complaining about Al and game imbalance has been directed at every RTS game since Command & Conquer first came out. We made only a couple of minor balance adjustments in the patch, but otherwise were pleased with how the gameplay and balance turned out."

It's ironic, C&C raised standards so much, that nothing less than perfect Al was going to please fans from that moment on. But where C&C really excelled was in an aspect of the game that required real human intelligence to work properly - not Al - and that was multiplayer. The fact that up to four people could play a game simultaneously was fairly revolutionary back in the DOS days of 1995, and really caught the imagination of the public, as Louis Castle points out.

"C&C actually had multiplayer, which was extraordinary in itself. Many games did not consider the potential of connecting real people together to play a game. A real-time strategy game seemed nearly impossible at the time because of the very slow connection speeds of computers. Beyond that C&C has always tried to be a sport activity where both players play with a fixed set of rules but this sport requires brains as well as fast reflexes." But what made C&C multiplayer so addictive and special?

"The multiplayer aspect of C&C was special," says Joe Bostic, "because you could battle your friends and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat with clever gameplay - in a world that was exciting and fun. I found that even if I lost, I would learn new strategies and tactics that would often prove successful in subsequent battles. Naturally there would be subsequent battles for hours on end."

Erik Yeo also has an honest view of the multiplayer magic: "I think there is something special about interacting with other people from anywhere in the world," he says "and then hitting them with tanks and nuclear weapons! I bet that gives me away as American, doesn't it?" Yes it does, Erik.

15 Million Sold Worldwide

Command & Conquer went on to become a legend - with 3 million units of the original game sold worldwide, and 15 million of the franchise - and lives on to this day in the likes of C&C Renegade; the forthcoming C&C Generals; and in hundreds of other strategy games that have 'lifted' mechanics straight from Westwood's past C&C titles; games like Age Of Empires, Total Annihilation, Starcraft... the list is almost endless.

But did this success make any of the developers rich? Joe Bostic thinks so, but not in the money sense: "I'm rich in experience of being a part of creating a genre that entertains millions of people to this day. I wasn't in it for the money, but I'm not poor, if that's what you mean."

Louis, Joe and Erik are all still working in the games biz at present, and are still trying to reach RTS nirvana almost 10 years after the first Command & Conquer game came into being, though - as Erik Yeo concludes - it's much harder now to release a blockbuster of C&C's magnitude.

"The level of expectation has really changed," he says. "People always expect games to be fun, but for each C&C or Half-Life or Diablo the expectation increases. People want the games to be everything the one before it was plus much more. Speaking as a gamer, that's not unreasonable. However it makes development time and costs skyrocket."

Which is very true. Our expectations of new games have never been higher, and making good games has never been more expensive. That said: the RTS genre is still thriving, and that is all thanks to Command & Conquer-a real-time strategy game that changed the world in more ways than one.

The Future: Where Do We Go From Here?

Real-time strategy games have moved-on a heck of a lot since Command & Conquer first came around, but the principles are still the same - fit an exciting and believable scenario around an easy-to-understand micromanagement oriented GUI (that's Graphic User Interface for non-techies). Of course, enhancements can always be made in the disciplines of Al and, ahem, basic unit pathfinding... No-one has yet got them completely right.

While Westwood Studios is undoubtedly the company best-placed to take the genre even further forward, it has been steadily losing ground to young upstarts such as Ensemble {Age Of Empires) and Blizzard (Warcraft). But with the recent announcement of new RTS title C&C Generals, Westwood has an opportunity to retake the high ground and we sincerely hope it does.

There are some incredible strategy games under construction: Medieval: Total War, Age Of Mythology, Warcraft III, Sudden Strike 2, not to mention rumoured sequels for the likes of Battle Realms and Total Annihilation. But it will always be C&C that commands the most attention, if only for the high regard in which the original game is held.

To say we are turning rabid in anticipation of this new C&C game would be an understatement - it looks and sounds that good. It's full 3D (something that Westwood has only recently embraced), it brings together some of the recognisable concepts from the C&C universe, and combines with them many other new ideas: air-to-air combat; a map editor and more of those amazing cinematics that have become a hallmark of the series.

C&C Generals could be the future of RTS gaming - let's hope it delivers.

Based on the PC hit from 1995, Command & Conquer was one of the first real-time strategy games--and it's still one of the best. In this N64 port, you'll command troops, assign duties, build units, and more as you defend yourself against the enemy: the Brotherhood of Nod. To pay for this war, you'll need to mine and harvest a material know as Tiberium. C&C probably won't be for the casual gamer--only serious strategists need apply.

Command & Conquer is a combat strategy game in which you seek global dominance. You'll use a multitude of gameplay views to position land, sea, and air forces in a race to secure a rare mineral. As a member of either the Brotherhood of Nod or the Global Defense Initiative, you'll try to complete a variety of missions in order to tip the world economic balance... before you're destroyed.

There's a deadly struggle for global domination going on, and you're in the middle of it. As a member of either of two agencies, you embark on dangerous missions in search of a rare mineral that controls the world's economic balance. More than 60 minutes of full-motion video combine with 30 minutes of rendered 3D cinematics and the interface from Dune II to create a level of realism that draws players into the story. Multiple outcomes and multiplayer and network options add considerable depth.

Another popular PC title goes 32-bit! Command & Conquer provides hours of gripping combat strategy on the PlayStation.

In C&C, you take command of one of two armies, the GDI or the Brotherhood of Nod, then deploy troops and armored divisions as well as build training areas.

Gameplay is aided by outstanding sounds, with troops marching to a driving rock beat and hitting the trenches amid loud explosions and blood-chilling screams. While the battlefield graphics are just average, the superbly rendered cinemas provide a real eyeful. The controls are the weakest element, especially since the game isn't mouse-compatible. The control pad lacks pinpoint accuracy, causing you to select the wrong objects--something especially bothersome when you're in a jam and seconds count.

Controls aside, the more you play C&C, the more you'll want to command and conquer it. Strategy fans should definitely enlist in this war.


  • To explore unfamiliar territory, send a foot soldier off to any of the far comers to reveal enemy positions.
  • Versus the laser towers, listen for their telltale charging hum. When you hear it, retreat immediately--failure to do so could cost you valuable troops or vehicles.
  • Enemy foot soldiers are sometimes hard to hit. If one opens up sniper fire on a vehicle, just run over him.

People say:


Command & Conquer has created quite a stir (albeit a good one). Where Doom revolutionized the first-person shooter (now you can find millions of "Doom clones"). C&C created a realtime strategy craze (and you can expect plenty of "Command & Conquer clones"). Since this is run in realtime. I would recommend this title to even those who tend to steer away from strategy games. Why? The action is constantly flowing. You won't find any slow-paced turn-by-boring-tum, move-one-piece-at-a-time game here. On some of the later levels, you won't have time to plan anything with too much depth. You'll have to run on instinct alone. The strategy (and fun) part enters when you find yourself trying to balance your time collecting Tiberium (your income) and constructing buildings and military units and defending your base and destroying your enemies. Everything in this game is done just about perfectly. The PS version even one-ups the Saturn version by having extra operations of play (most from the PC expansion disk, and some are PlayStation exclusives). But the graphics are just as lackluster. grainy and tiny-sprited as they were on the PC. and Westwood has left out a Link Mode for head-to-head play. But these complaints are few and the praises many. C&C is excellent from start to finish.


There's not much changed here outside of the new missions (which are plenty). I've been a big fan of Command & Conquer since the PC days and this version sticks to what made the originals so great (since it's almost exactly like the original). The graphics looks great, but the music gets repetitive (like the Saturn version). Any strategist should enjoy C&C.


C&C is easily one of the best PS titles--if for no other reason than its sheer lasting power. The game's more than 60 levels will keep you strateglzing for weeks, and the gameplay itself is intuitive and instantly addicting. C&C's missions are so varied-from simple search-and-destroy sorties to assassination attempts-that the game never gets dull.


The additional levels are an added perk, which is rare. Usually the Saturn gets that kind of special treatment. The graphics are exactly the same, and the load times are tolerable-we see no improvement on either of these key points. Of bourse, the play remains the same, top-notch action we've come to know and love on the Saturn version.

Until now, only PC owners had the chance to play as Nod or the GDI in an all-out strategy sim. Command & Conquer is staged in a slight futuristic Earth where the GDI (Global Defense Initiative) is battling for control of the Tiberius deposits (a type of fuel) with the terrorist group known as the Brotherhood of NOD. Each has its own specialized vehicles and troops, making strategy a must for whichever side the player chooses to fight on. Building bases, amassing troops, placing them in strategic locations and starting the attack are only part of the fun in Command & Conquer.

Graphically, the title ranks right up there with the PC release. The missions are really similar with only minor differences. The one acclaimed feature of C&C was the unique soundtrack that even now has been slightly modified over the original and improved for the PlayStation version.

The game mechanics of C&C, including the game speed, have not suffered at all. The title plays as fast as it would on a Pentium 90, bringing the action into the player's hands at full speed. Features like the Build Screen have been improved and are now able to be pulled up from anywhere. Overall, it's a good game on the PC but an even better title on the PS-a feat not often accomplished in a ported title.

  • MANUFACTURER - Westwood Studios
  • THEME - Strategy


Command & Conquer is a real-time action-strategy game that tests your reflexes as well as your planning and strategic skills. The game takes place in the near future, and the story line is clearly told via cinematics. There are main characters that play large roles as the game unfolds, but most of your time will be spent battling it out with your enemy. The interface of the game is a top-down perspective so you can see all of your units moving about and (hopefully) accomplishing their tasks. From this view you can control every aspect of the game. The view only shifts when you win a battle (this could take hours), and a nicely-done cut-scene expands on the story and prepares you for your next mission. After you have completed all the missions for either side (15 or so), you win the game. There are two sides to play -- GDI or NOD -- and the story is different for each. I played both sides all the way through, and the game was still fun after I finished. The best part about C&C is the multiplayer capability where you can have up to four players battling it out at once. Although it's not without flaws, Command & Conquer is one of the best games I've ever played; check out my review and find out why.


The first thing you do after you install the game is watch the nicely-done introduction. This sets the stage for the entire game and allows the player to really get into the storyline. Westwood did a great job with storyline and cut-scenes in Command & Conquer, which (for me) made this game one of the best ever. Most games for me don't have that extra frosting like C&C does, with the smooth transitions and well-done video. I admit, the videos and story elements of a game are not everything, but they sure polish a game up if done correctly. C&C gets an A+ in this area.

Gameplay and graphics are the most important elements in a game for me. C&C does both of these well. Standard VGA graphics are not the sharpest, but they do very well with what they have. Westwood will be upgrading to SVGA with their new release, Red Alert, due out in late September. Gameplay is great with C&C and I have just a few complaints which I will touch on later; first, the things I liked. I loved all the different units each side had and all the unique abilities available at the player's disposal. I switched from one side to the other several times, trying to decide which one I liked better. Westwood did a good job at balancing the sides so one was not overpowering the other all the time. When you start the game, it is apparent that the NOD team is the devious, sneaky, no-good, third-world gonna-take-over-the-universe type. The GDI team is the fine, organized, sharp-looking, freedom-fighter, defend-the-earth-against-all-evil type. At first (if you do what I did) you may pick sides based on the type of person you are. So you have picked a side; now it's time to wreck havoc on the enemy.

The missions are laid out from very easy at first, to progressively more challenging. The player chooses from a world map which territory to attack, then the mission briefing begins. After the neat video, you are off and running in the heat of battle. An average mission will take about 2 or 3 hours to complete; that's not counting the first 2 or 3 that will only take a few minutes at best. Mission by mission, the game and story progress until you have won that last victory and the game ends. Time to switch sides and start over! Orrrrr ... call your friends and blow them off the face of the earth! That's just what I did, and that's where C&C shines the most. It's a whole different game when suddenly you don't know what the other player is going to do. My friends and I have played over the modem one-on-one or over a network with four of us at once; both ways are fun. The interface is easy, and modem gameplay is smooth and seamless on anything better than a 486 50. I played a friend who had a 486SX 25 and that was dog-slow, but who has those anymore? Overall, C&C is one of my all-time favorite games.

Computer AI/Design

Now I'll get to the few things I did not like about the game. First of all, after a couple of weeks, I had figured out the computer AI and playing solo was not as rewarding anymore. I also got frustrated when my harvesters were being stupid and I had to baby-sit them while my base was getting crushed. There are a few things Westwood did not catch when designing the game that the player could use to his advantage, making the game unenjoyable. A few of these are:

  • You can build sandbags all over the battlefield, into the enemy's base, then build a turret or guard tower to crush him from the inside out.
  • If you are NOD, to win you just have to build 20 or so recon bikes, put them in packs of 8, and say goodbye to whoever was dumb enough to play you.
  • Tanks can't destroy one little soldier with their 20MM cannons at point blank range. This frustrated me forever.
  • Harvesters are stupid. Enough said.
  • The battlefield is too small. (This will be corrected in Red Alert.)
  • Once you go everywhere on the map, you can always see it. Now you can watch your enemy everywhere he goes.
  • Helicopters can't map. WHAT? That's why I'd buy one anyway. Logically, I would think they would be the best mappers because they can FLY!
  • Each time you make a commando SNEAK into the enemy's base, he yells, "Ready to rock and roll!" and all players can hear it.

System Requirements

486-DX2 66, 8 MB RAM, VGA card (1 MB VRAM), mouse, SoundBlaster-compatible sound card, 14.4 modem (for network play)

Reviewed On: P-133 MHz, 16 MG, SB 16, Diamond Stealth video w/ 2 MB DRAM.

Bottom Line

Aside from these gripes, the game is great. I know Westwood is working on these items for their next release due out this fall, so I have full confidence I will enjoy Red Alert even more. If you are a fan of real time simulations, then C&C should be on the top of your list to get. But if you don't like sweating, biting your nails and yelling at your computer screen, you'd better stay away from this one. Enjoy!

People say:


As the first real-time strategy (RTS) game for the Nintendo 64, this is a bit of a mixed blessing. On one hand, it's Command & Conquer, a true classic. On the other hand, it's Command & Conquer, a very old game. The cart, on its own, is very solid. The controls are very nice and intuitive on the N64 controller (I didn't find myself wishing for an N64 mouse that often). The graphics, updated for today's times, are nice as well, with new particle effects and 3D goodness. The voices and music are pretty much intact, making for a nice playing experience (too bad the cart can't dish out the FMV). But if you've played any of the C&C games in any form before, you won't want to waste your time on this cart. The developers have done nothing to improve the game-play. It'd be nice if we got some exclusive units...something that would spice things up a bit. Or how about more exclusive missions? (All of the missions are old, from the ancient PC game, except for a measly four.) Or how about making it so you can send multiple vehicles to a repair facility, and they'll all repair, one after the other? And why the heck does this cartridge only have two save spots, with no controller pak support? And where are the speed settings? Skirmish mode? This is a nice game, but it could've been much better.


I had reservations about this thing. Would it control well? Would it pack the music, voices and personality of the PC original? Would the detailed vehicles and buildings still look decent in 3D? Yes. yes, and yes. The interface is surprisingly good--even more intuitive than the PlayStation version's. Terrain and buildings look sharp and vehicles animate smoothly. If you've never played the original, buy this and you'll see what all the fuss is about.


I really do enjoy RTS games even though they take so much damned time to play. They draw you in like no other game can, and C&C on the N64 is no different. The missions are intense and extremely challenging on both the GDI and NOD pathways. On visuals, the graphics in the medium and hi-res modes are incredible. In fact, the little soldier graphics weren't a strain on my eyes like usual! Overall, even without a two-player mode, C&C is a must-buy.


It's weird to think this game is over four years old and the N64 is only just getting a version. There are a lot of improvements over the PC original though. The new 3D graphics thing is a nice touch (although slow in hi-res) but the improved Al is what setts it for me. Shame I hate playing this kinda thing with a joy-pad, although it makes the best of a bad deal with team assignments on the C buttons. I'd have liked an option to speed up the action a bit.

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    Andy said on Forum:

    This is a old school classic that they are still making, Great game but you really need a guide, I have had a go a few times now and still can not get into the options...