Visions of Mana

a game by Square Enix
Platform: PC (2024)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Download Anime Games, Action Games, Story-Rich Games, RPGs, Download Hack and Slash Games, Download Old School Games, JRPG Games
Visions of Mana
Visions of Mana
Visions of Mana
Visions of Mana

Visions of Mana is an RPG fans of the series won’t want to miss. It’s the first new game to hit the popular series, besides remakes of course, in twenty years. Although it does have a few flaws that may give players some pause, the overall game is a satisfying addition that won’t disappoint fans of the series.

Players are put in the shoes of Val, a sword user who is tasked with the job of protecting a group of pilgrims who have been chosen as sacrifices for the mana tree. As you travel with them, their rich storylines reveal themselves to you.

Rich and Beautiful Graphics

One of the most outstanding aspects of Visions of Mana is the graphics. The graphics are drawn in a beautiful color palette, reminiscent of a watercolor style. The backgrounds, characters and monsters have all been thoughtfully detailed so it looks incredibly beautiful most of the time.

Story is Slow

The Mana series is well known for their deep and rich stories, but Visions of Mana stumbles a little bit here. The story starts off simple but powerful, but as the game progresses the story both stalls and gets excessively complicated. There’s long monologues and a lot of content that slows the game rather than adds to it. While the story isn’t terrible, if you were planning to play the game because of the exquisite storylines from past games in the series, you’ll likely be disappointed. Although it looks like it could compete with the likes of Final Fantasy 16, with similar looking parties and mobs, the game simply can’t reach those heights.

Combat is Okay

Much of the game is based on combat, using the pilgrims and Val to fight with. Combat is relatively smooth, and if you’re at all experienced with RPG games easy. In fact, the monsters are so weak that expert gamers who enjoy a challenge should probably choose Hard Mode so they don’t get bored.

The good news is that because there’s a wide range of modes, and play is fairly easy on Normal Mode, beginner players have a chance to experience this world without getting frustrated from constant deaths.

A few complaints from players on the combat include a delay in items being used during combat, and also that should the character die while that delay happens, the item is still consumed without any benefits.

If you are at all a fan of the Mana series, this game is a must have. The game may not be up to par with some of the top RPGs outside of the series, but it aligns perfectly with the series for those who love it.


For newer players, this game is something you will likely love if you’re a fan of Kingdom of Hearts or similar RPGs, but if you’re expecting the super polished gaming from a high-end RPG, you may be left feeling disappointed.


  • Beautiful Graphics
  • Very Customizable


  • Story isn’t on par with past games
  • Combat has some minor issues

Download Visions of Mana


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Visions of Mana is an action-adventure RPG that sends you into the world of elemental spirits, swords and magic. Val travels to the source of magic to purify a legendary sword that has fallen into his hands. Explore the legendary open world, tame the elemental spirits and use their power in the upcoming battles against evil. Know that the hour of large-scale battle will come and only friendship, woven during the adventure can lead you to victory. Is there a legendary tree of mana and how to get there? Find out in the colorful adventure Visions of Mana.

Pros of the game:

  • A semi-open world, detailed in every detail
  • Colorful battles with the help of elements

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