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a game by Duality Games
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 6.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Psychological Horror Games, Stealth Action, Mystery Games, Best Detective Games, Walking Simulator Games, Gore Games

Most people would do practically anything for their children. In the new game, Unholy, that will to do anything is put to the test. Players must open a door between reality and the underworld to find out hat happened to their missing child.

This horror hits all the right notes for a remarkably dark and chilling game. Everything from the visuals, created by Duality Games Art director and founder Tomasz Strzałkowski, to the gameplay itself are terrifying.

Blend of Gameplay

Unholy isn’t just a horror. To succeed in the game you’ll need a blend of gameplay skills, including puzzle-solving, exploration, stealth and of course shooting skills.

The world can also be interacted with using four of the most common emotions in the real world. Interacting with anger, fear, sadness or desire does different things. Anger destroys objects, sadness overloads circuits and fear can trigger mechanisms.

If you’ve ever played Agony, you can probably see some similarities in the artwork and horror of the game. Fortunately, the first few minutes of playing the demo makes it look like it will be an improvement on Agony. The game has suffered some minor delays in the past with the release of the demo. Despites these setbacks, it is now set to release at the end of July.

Masks Add a Layer to Gameplay

Another unique feature of this game is the use of masks. Everyone in the underworld wears one. The right mask at the right time can save your life. You can craft your own masks in the game or take someone elses. Different masks can give you new abilities, let you impersonate your enemies, or confuse them in other ways. Masks are an essential part of the game, so it’s best to start learning about and using them right away. Strongly Story Based

The last feature of interest in this game is the story. The developers have worked hard to provide an intensely dark story. In the game you play Dorothea, a woman whose child has recently been abducted. She travels to the other world in search of answers.

The answers she seeks are in a Post-Soviet era town that has seen better days. In order to solve the mystery of where her child is at, she must explore the town using her emotions. The result is a chilling tale that presses the player onwards, seeking answers for the ever-deepening mystery before them.

Until the game is released, July 20th 2023, it will be difficult to determine what if any problems the game has. From the gameplay available, Unholy looks like it will be a horrifying tale of love and sorrow. It has a lot going for it, from being developed by the same people who brought us Painkiller, Bulletstorm and Gears of War.


Combined with the same artist from Duality Games, we can look forward to a dark and beautiful game that will leave us horrified every step of the way.


  • Powerful Graphics
  • Gripping Story
  • Unique Gameplay


  • Unknown

Download Unholy


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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