Super Hero Generation

a game by Bandai Namco Games
Platform: Playstation 3 (2014)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Download Anime Games, Manga Games, RPGs
Super Hero Generation
Super Hero Generation
Super Hero Generation
Super Hero Generation

Today we have a real treat as we talk about Super Hero Generation! This was released on the PlayStation 3, but it was the PlayStation Vita where I experienced this game. this is a tactics RPG and one that has a ton of fan service (which I will get into later) and I do feel that you need to be a fan of the franchises in this game to appreciate it. I wanted to shine a light on this and thought we could have some fun seeing how it holds up.

Three Become One

The whole point of Super Hero Generation is to smash together three very popular Japanese series. Gundam, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman are the three franchises and the story is all over the place and honestly hard to keep track of. Still, seeing and being a part of these three franchises interacting with each other was something I found to be very cool. I also never felt like one franchise was given more love than another which was well done.

Tactics And More Tactics

If you have played any kind of tactics-based RPG before, Super Hero Generation should not feel all that foreign to you. You select your squad of heroes and then in turn-based battles, you need to defeat your enemies. It sounds like pretty basic stuff and to be honest, it kind of is, but the whole flash and style of it all keeps you entertained. I found the AI put up a very solid challenge and there were a few times when I failed and had to try again. Like most other tactics games, getting your strategy just right is the key here.

Going For The Shock!

The way the game works is that a mission will be completed once you have completed the Mission Trigger. The Mission Trigger in Super Hero Generation is pretty much your mission objective, defeat so many enemies beat this boss, save this, destroy that, and so on. However, you can also choose to do the Secret Shock! The Secret Shock is actually really cool and well worth your time doing. You can get bonus XP by doing this so I highly recommend that you do as XP is essential for becoming stronger and improving your characters.

Great When Little, When Big… Not So Much

Remember how I said that I played Super Hero Generation on the PlayStation Vita? At the time, I thought it looked great, it had that classic turn-based style to it and the characters had a very funky style to them all in their miniature form. On a handheld screen, it looked great, there was some flash to the battles and the bits of the story were cool too. However, I recently played the PlayStation 3 version and found that on a TV, things do not look quite as impressive as they did when they were smaller on the Vita’s screen.


If you are into any of the franchises that are in Super Hero Generation, I highly recommend that you give this game a try. It is a game that is all about fan service and it has fan service by the truckload. I feel that if you are not familiar with any of these franchises or just barely know of their existence, you may find the turn-based RPG action here a bit formulaic if you get what I am saying and you may lose interest much quicker.


  • I liked the mashing together of these three franchises
  • The gameplay and the whole style felt perfect for a portable game on the Vita
  • It does not take too long to figure out how to play the game
  • I liked the crazy story that was told here


  • To appreciate this game, you must be familiar with the characters
  • I felt that the game lost much of its charm when played on the PS3 on my TV

Download Super Hero Generation

Playstation 3

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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