Spicy Strip Poker

a game by Gambler
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Download, Nudity Category, Strip Games, Casino Games, Poker Games, Slots Games, Strip Poker Game
Spicy Strip Poker
Spicy Strip Poker
Spicy Strip Poker
Spicy Strip Poker

Spicy Strip Poker as you no doubt have figured out is a XXX poker game. Now, as I write this, this game is still in very early access so there is not a ton of content here so think of this as more of a preview than an actual review. I have played poker games for years and while I am not exactly the greatest poker player in the world, I do understand the game and kind of know what I am doing. As soon as I saw the trailer for this I knew it was a game I had to play and even in this very early stage, it is showing some real promise.

The Basics Of Poker

There is no story in Spicy Strip Poker. It is a very simple premise, you pick a girl, play her in a game of poker and try to win so that you can get her naked. However, this game goes a step further than that as you keep on playing once she is naked so that you can then have sex with her! Hey, with hot chicks like the ones that are in this game, that is all the motivation you really need to keep on playing if you ask me!

The Awesome Foursome!

As I write this, Spicy Strip Poker only has one character for you to play against and that is a massive boobed pink haired feisty chick called Amanda. There are three other characters in the game, but they are not available in the current build I played. There is Yanet, who is a dark skinned beauty with a rocking body. Victoria is a redhead who has a wild personality… and giant boobs and then we have my favorite which is Jessica who has a kind of punk rock chick thing going on.

So, So Hot!

I have to say that in the game, the character renders are incredible in Spicy Strip Poker! While in the current build, I played, I could only play against Amanda, she was very easy on the eyes and her animation is great! The XXX stuff she gets up to as well is very well done and so very hot. The other three girls you can see in the preview trailer and they look like they will be a lot of fun too. My only thing with the presentation is that on the Steam page, they have profile pics for the girls and they look kind of scary! It is so weird as they do not look like that in the game!

The Basics Of Poker

While I am not a poker master, I do know how to play and the game of poker offered here in Spicy Strip Poker is about as basic as you can get. You play a game of five card poker and try to get the better hand or bluff your way to it. When her pot is depleted, she loses some clothing. It is a simple game of poker, but God damn, the AI is ruthless and seems to get the better cards at least 80 percent of the time! They need to fine tune the difficulty and also perhaps add Texas Hold Em or some kind of multiplayer option.


I can see the potential of Spicy Strip Poker shining through! I think with some more content and a bit of work on that cheap AI, this could actually be one of the best strip poker games ever made! To be fair, the version of the game that I played was in very early access and the point of early access is to try and find any potential issues so perhaps the issues I did have will be ironed out as the game is worked on. As the game is so early in development, I am not comfortable giving it a score just yet.


  • Amanda may be the only girl here, but she is so hot
  • I am interested to play against the other three babes
  • The animation of the girls is fantastic
  • The whole game looks incredible


  • The game feels like it greatly favors the AI
  • In the current build, there is not much content here at all

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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