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a game by maitan69 (Matías Schmied)
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Funny Games, Pixel Art Games, Games Where Choices Matter

I can't get my head around RE:CALL, but that makes the game the most intriguing. The developer's description of the game dictates the title as a mind-bending puzzler with players piecing together memories to shape how a narrative plays out. Outside of that definition, there's no storyline outline, but the interesting-looking characters spark even more curiosity.

The game quickly looks like one of those copy-paste old handheld games, a top-down adventure with pixelated graphics and traditional dialogue screens. But still, there are plenty of points about RE:CALL that make you want to dive further into the title. Mainly the whole theme is about bending the memories of the characters you control. So let's give this game a whirl.

Time-Travel Trauma

Putting together what's happening in RE:CALL presents your immediate biggest challenge. We're thrown into a game world with ten unique characters, each with their individual stories and problems to solve. Each character's varied challenges will be solved by time travel, solving puzzles, and more, all tied together through memory-altering mechanics.

It all feels chaotic at first, but players quickly find themselves warped into the particular character's narrative. There are seven chapters that all present unique challenges. Players must go full-on trial and error to reach an outcome and progress the story. The memory mechanics themselves could be improved to offer something unique. However, the dialogue options are what keep players interested.

The game shapes up according to choices, meaning that endings can vary depending on what happens. Tossing in the theme of manipulating the past sets the scene for wild revelations and plot twists. It's safe to say that RE:CALL's narrative is the game's strong point and arguably the only reason players stick with the title to the end.

That added to the eccentric characters, creates a different aesthetic to the game, despite most of the mechanics being similar to anything built with RPG Maker. It's the rare occasion where a puzzler promises much and delivers palatable yet samey gameplay. Still, someone manages to be memorable after all is said and done.

Thanks for the Memories

So is RE:CALL worth the shot? Yes, purely because it's an indie game that tried to do something different, although mechanically and visually, you'll find that it operates like other top-down adventures. There's an attempt to create a unique style, narrative, and theme threaded together through manipulated engine mechanics. It's got that Undertale development vibe, even though the delivery is far from that standard.


Players who enjoy their games as the art will enjoy RE:CALL most, with the stemming dialogue options that create some great banter. The injected nostalgia factor also makes familiar yet different aesthetics that seasoned indie gamers can enjoy. It's a title worth playing amongst the plethora of similar titles out there.

Round-Up - Pros & Cons


  • Unique aesthetic creates an immersive game world
  • Brilliant narrative shaped by player choices
  • It fits the games-as-art category well


  • Initially a bit confusing
  • The save system is buggy
  • The mechanics are more trial-and-error-style gameplay

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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PC Screenshots

See Also

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