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a game by the Bratans
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Action Adventure Games, Open World Games, Hack and Slash Games, Sci-Fi RPG, Dark Souls-like Games, Idle/Clicker Games

In the "Lizards Must Die epic world," brace yourself for colossal battles against hordes of menacing lizards and other mythical beasts. It's your chance to exhibit your heroic strength in the name of the ancestors and the glory of Svarog. With stunning 3D graphics and a minimum of 8 polygons per log, this game thrusts you into the heart of the action as you defend Baikalsk, the Republic of Tyva, and Hyperborea from the relentless onslaught of evil lizards and unholy aliens. As you drink the sacred waters of Baikal and stand against the heroes and invaders, you'll partake in a holy massacre in the name of Svarog and experience the blessing of Perun, bestowing mighty power upon the Rus.

Heroic Battles and Divine Blessings

In "Lizards Must Die," you'll engage in epic battles against relentless foes while protecting the breathtaking landscapes of the Rus, including its rivers, lakes, forests, and mountains, from foreign invaders. The game is steeped in the rich tapestry of Slavic mythology, featuring GOD-PLEASING festivities throughout the Rus land after victorious battles in the name of Yarila. All these elements are meticulously crafted according to scientific documents to immerse you in a world that honors tradition while delivering thrilling action.

Heroes of the Rus

As you take on the role of a valiant warrior, you'll encounter formidable heroes ready to join your cause:

  • Radislav Bagirov: A skilled swordsman and shield-bearer, Radislav is a beacon of common sense in the heat of battle.
  • Vseslav the Sorcerer: A master of dual-wielding swords, Vseslav is renowned for his lightning-fast combat skills, making him a legend in campaigns against the lizards.
  • Drocheslav son of Sergeus: A mighty warrior wielding a berdysh, Drocheslav's stories of vitality and immortality inspire awe and reverence.

Recommended Similar Games

Monster Hunter: Embark on epic monster-slaying adventures in a richly detailed world. Elden Ring: Explore a dark fantasy realm with intricate lore and challenging battles. Code Vein: Dive into an anime-inspired action RPG featuring vampire lore and deep storytelling.

Innovative Combat Techniques: "Lizards Must Die" introduces an array of active combos and high-speed attacks that you can unleash against your foes. These techniques are set against a richly detailed backdrop, all in the pursuit of glory for Perun and the Rus.


This game is perfect for those who previously played and enjoy games such as Monster Hunter, Elden Ring, and Code Vein. So, if you’re a fan of any of these, be sure to give Lizards Must Die a try. You might be surprised!


  • Epic Battles: Engage in thrilling battles against hordes of lizards and mythical creatures
  • Rich Mythology: Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Slavic mythology and traditions
  • Stunning Graphics: Enjoy 3D graphics that bring the Rus land to life
  • Heroic Heroes: Command a team of legendary warriors with unique abilities
  • Innovative Combat: Experience active combos and high-speed attacks for dynamic gameplay


  • Niche Theme: The game's focus on Slavic mythology may limit its appeal to a specific audience



System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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PC Screenshots

See Also

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