College Brawl

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a game by LAGS
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.5/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Pixel Porn Games, Adult Beat 'em Up Games
College Brawl
College Brawl
College Brawl
College Brawl

While not perfect College Brawl is a decent lewd beat-em-up that I played through recently and I had a pretty decent time. I think that it is awesome we have a whole lewd beat-em-up genre now and this genre seems to be growing at an awesome rate. I loved these games when I was a kid and now, I get to play them, but with boobs and vag! I think if you manage to look below the surface, you will be able to have some fun with this and also be able to overlook some of its flaws.

Nothing Masterful About This Ken!

If you get that then you are a fellow Street Fighter aficionado like myself and we can be friends. There are two ways to play through College Brawl and they each offer a different take on the story. First of all, we have Ken. Ken is a college guy who is standing up for his friends who had their stuff stolen. I know I have made Ken sound like a hero, but he is actually the aggressor as he beats and rapes his way to the end boss. The translation is pretty much impossible to follow, but it at least tries to tie it all together.

Little Sis, Big Trouble

As well as being able to play as Ken. College Brawl offers us a second character to play as, Anko. Anko has fewer levels and bosses to deal with, but the “action” is kind of the same. This story is even harder to follow as Anko’s high school friends are in some kind of shady deal where there are x rated videos of them and she is out to stop it… look, I have no idea what is going on here, Anko’s story makes even less sense than Ken’s does, but she does not feel like a bad guy like Ken did so I guess it has that going for it.

Jump To The Right

There are some fantastic games in the lewd beat-em-up genre, but College Brawl is one of the more basic ones. It is not bad at all, but the game has you just slapping around enemies and then either having sex with them as Ken or getting molested as Anko. The game is on a 2D plane, but the combat is very simplistic. I found a couple of levels where I was having a tough time being swarmed by enemies to say screw it and just start walking and jumping to the right, I avoided all of the enemies and made my way to the boss without as much as a scratch. There are also a few bugs here such as freezes and a weird situation where I would beat a guy as Anko only for the game to act like I did not.

A Tale Of Two Styles

I like how we have two very different visual styles in College Brawl. The actual gameplay has a kind of mobile game look about it. The pixel art gets the job done and there are some neat special effects. I like that there are different stages and they have tried to add a bit of variety to things here. As you would expect from a lewd beat-em-up. You have some sex CGs in the game, each story has its own sex CGs that you can unlock and the ones that I saw were of a very high quality, especially if you love booties!


While this is not one of the best lewd beat-em-ups I have played, I can see a bit of charm shining through all the fists and sexual assault that College Brawl has. The game does need a bit of work in terms of the gameplay mechanics as it is rather basic and could do with some of the bugs being ironed out. However, I do think that they have a decent framework to build on here.


  • The game has two characters to play as
  • The hits have a bit of weight to them
  • You feel like you are playing as the aggressor which some may like
  • It has a decent amount of sex scenes to unlock


  • The gameplay is rather basic and you can beat some levels by avoiding all enemies
  • There are a few bugs, some of which can crash the game

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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