Welcome to ParadiZe

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a game by Eko Software
Platform: PC (2024)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Open World Games, Survival Games, Co-op Games, Crafting Games, Multiplayer Games, Hack and Slash Games, Isometric Games, Zombie Games, Post-Apocalyptic Games
Welcome to ParadiZe
Welcome to ParadiZe
Welcome to ParadiZe
Welcome to ParadiZe

Welcome to ParadiZe is a zombie survival sandbox game that puts a unique twist on the genre by allowing players to hack and control the zombies instead of just fighting them off.

As the newest visitor to the zombie-infested country of ParadiZe, you must build a camp, explore the surroundings, and capture zombies to convert into helpful minions that can farm resources, defend your base, and accompany you on expeditions.

I enjoyed the original premise of turning zombies from enemies into controllable allies. It brings an extra layer of strategy trying to safely lure zombies into hacking traps to add them to your personal undead workforce.

The zombie minions add a fun dynamic not seen in other survival games like Rimworld or Project Zomboid, where you only fight off threats.

Creative Freedom in a Zombie Playground

Welcome to ParadiZe offers impressive creative freedom in how you want to survive and thrive in its zombie-infested lands. Do you want to focus on building an impenetrable fortress and mainly stay safely inside? Or explore every inch of the map with a pack of zombie bodyguards? Both are viable options.

The world feels like a playground designed for manipulating zombies with extensive hacking options. For example, you can specialize your minions for certain jobs. Turn a burly zombie into a fighter specialized in melee combat, while smaller zombies work well assigned to menial labor like farming. This variety keeps zombie wrangling engaging in the long term.

Surviving Paradise has its Challenges

However, don't expect surviving ParadiZe to be a walk in the park just because you have zombies working for you. The game offers plenty of challenge between zombie hordes, hostile humans looking to raid your base, harsh weather conditions, and illness. Thankfully, you can take up to three friends along for multiplayer co-op to better watch each other's back in this inhospitable land.

The world itself also provides environmental challenges. The map includes snowy areas that require keeping your character fed and warm. While desert regions can overheat your character. Similar to Rimworld, you must keep your basics like hunger, temperature, and health topped up while handling external threats.

Build Your Own Undead Utopia

A major highlight in ParadiZe is designing your own unique zombie-fueled camp. As you explore, you’ll unlock crafting recipes that let you construct new structures, equipment, and tools. It starts small with barebones housing, but you’ll eventually build zombie barracks, greenhouses, electric perimeter fencing, and laboratories dedicated to researching new zombie hacks.

The base building is addictive as you customize the layout and see your camp continuously evolve thanks to the work of your loyal minions. It makes the hours of zombie wrangling pay off when you can kick back in your well-earned undead utopia.


Welcome to ParadiZe creatively flips the script on the zombie genre by putting the zombies to work for you in entertaining ways. The zombie minions create endless gameplay possibilities for how you want to colonize this bizarre ParadiZe.


  • Unique zombie-taming system
  • Deep base-building mechanics
  • Solid co-op multiplayer


  • Can feel grindy
  • Some minor technical issues

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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