Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers

a game by | Capcom |
Genres: | Fighting Games, Multiplayer/Hotseat |
Platforms: |
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Editor Rating: | 7.3/10, based on 11 reviews |
User Rating: | 7.1/10 - 17 votes |
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See also: | Download Fighting Games, Arcade Games, Street Fighter Series, Super Street Fighter Games |
Yup, you heard it right! Super Street Fighter is here for the Super Nintendo, and it's busting down the walls of 16-Bit technology! Critics said it couldn't be done, but here's the proof. Not only has every new move been included, but all four new challengers are completely intact. Not only that, but Super Street Fighter includes several tournament options to satisfy your need for a challenge. Let's take a look at the hottest fighter to hit the Super NES in '94--soon to be available on the Genesis as well!
The first big change you will notice is the full intro shots translated directly from the arcade. Also, each character profile has been redrawn to match the arcade.
In fact, not one detail has been left out, at least not any that would take a magnifying glass to find. Graphically, Super Street Fighter is a triumph in programming! Even the multiple dizzy types are intact. Look for new animations and attacks in each character, like Guile's new Winning Stance or Chun Li's amazing Fire Bubble!
The sound improvements incorporate new, clearer voices and beefed-up background music on each level. Ken and Ryu now have distinct voices, and the announcer is completely redone.
Options are just about the best feature! Super Street Fighter will keep you and your friends entertained for hours with the numerous settings available. The normal Arcade and VS Modes are back, along with three new options for increased challenge. Four speed settings are also available in every mode. One nearly unnoticeable option (which I love) is the ability to let the computer play for you! The computer can even fight itself while you take a break. More to come!
Tournament Battle features eight fighters, human or computer, who face off in a double-elimination tournament until one is crowned champion. This is the perfect mode for gamers who want to hold a tournament in their neighborhood to see who's the best! The scores and rankings are automatically recorded so you can watch your climb to glory right on screen. Difficulty handicaps are also available so even your little brother or sister can play!
Group Battle pits you against your friends in a battle royale with two teams of World Warriors. Manually or automatically pick up to eight fighters per team, then face off in either Match or Elimination Modes. The Match Mode pits corresponding fighters (1st, 2nd, etc.) against each other until each pair has fought one round. Conversely, Elimination Mode lets one player keep a fighter until he or she loses the round.
The Time Challenge is a strictly One-player Mode where you must take on the computer in one round of intense fighting. Race to beat Capcom staff's best times if you like, or try to set your own personal records. This is the best place to practice strategy and combos. The computer won't just sit around and let you clobber it, either! It will take a great deal of skill and patience to come close to Capcom's scores, but don't give up!
Download Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
- Game modes: Single game mode
Player controls:
- Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
- Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
- "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
- "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
- "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)
Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
- Pentium II (or equivalent) 266MHz (500MHz recommended), RAM: 64MB (128MB recommended), DirectX v8.0a or later must be installed
Game Reviews
The fighting-game phenomenon that has ruled the arcades for the past three years, Street Fighter II, appeared to enter a downswing last fall when Super SF II debuted. Players' complaints focused on the unbearably slow speed and the lack of enough new features, even with the four new characters. To correct these flaws, Capcom recently introduced Super SF II Turbo (see ProReview, pg. 39), and that speedy, exciting fifth version in the coin-op series has garnered positive comments from fans everywhere -- it's really what Super should have been in the first place.
ProTip: Take on the new Time Challenge mode. You choose your player and the CPU opponent and try to win as fast as possible. Can you beat the Capcom staff record?
So it is with bittersweet excitement that Capcom has announced Super for the SNES. This game doesn't have any built in Super Turbo arcade moves. Super is also missing some features from the Turbo home version. It has three stars (four speed levels) and all the features of the coin-op, true Street Fighter disciples will probably find it worth playing.
New Challenges
There's a lot to love about Super. First off, the new characters -- Cammy, Dee Jay, Fei Long, and T. Hawk-all fall into established styles of game play and use familiar controller motions but still add new dimensions to the action. Considering that most of the old characters have one new move (some more effective than others) you've got some exciting match-ups -136 total, as opposed to 78 in Turbo.
On the negative side, some reason Capcom saw fit to actually remove moves, which annoyingly weakens certain characters. Taking features away imbalances some fights and gives you less technique. In some instances, you may actually prefer to play your old copy of SF II Turbo over Super SF II. On the subject of taking features away, Super has three stars of speed, whereas SFII Turbo had ten stars. If you prefer three stars or under, it's no problem, but if you feel the need for Hyper speed, it can be a major problem.
All this leads to one big question: Are there any codes for extra stars, Super Turbo features, or anything else? Capcom confirms the existence of at least one code but won't say what it does. Capcom firmly denies, however, the slightest possibility that it's Super Turbo, since ST features would take up too much memory. Without a definitive confirmation of more stars, speed freaks should proceed with a degree of caution.
All the new challengers have cool win animations.
Me and My A.I.
Playing Street Fighter is exciting in two ways: playing against the computer and playing against a friend. In the single-player mode, Capcom has given the CPU some majorly cheap new patterns on the hardest setting that should keep experts frustrated and happy. (I love to hate you, get it?) The artificial intelligence is really tough to beat, harder than the Super coin-op, though not as tough as Super Turbo arcade.
- Check out the new vs. screen!
- The Handicap can be applied even in the new Tournament Battle mode.
In the two-player mode, there's a plethora of new modes and options available, such as Tournament Battle and Time Challenge, but unfortunately none of them seem to add much value to competitive situations. For example, there's no way to hold an extended multi-character tournament for more than two players. Even Capcom traditional tournament- site rules aren't incorporated, which would've enabled both players to choose five or so different match-ups and then play both sides of each fight. If you can win both sides of the fight, you win a point. Wouldn't this have been more exciting and required more skill than the generic single-elimination Tournament Battle?
A New Look, Sort Of
If you're expecting completely redrawn character graphics and all-new animation, you'll be disappointed. The good news is that so much new artwork and animation were packed in that the look is just awesome. Combine this with the new background touches, such as the orange-hued sky in Sagat's Thailand and the perfectly rendered English countryside in Cammy's stage, and you'll be hard-pressed to find better SNES graphics than Super.
A Corny New Voice
Super's audio has highs and lows. The music is a big plus and has all the tunes from the arcade, with great representation of the cool instruments and effects. The voices, on the other hand, leave even more to be desired than the coin-op. Not only does the announcer sound less masculine than a soprano singer, but some of the voices, such as Dhalsim's death groan, are a bit distorted by echo effects. Regardless, it's still great sound once you get used to it.
A Special Deal
When all is said and done, Super SFII is a great translation, but it's not the game it could have been -- Super Turbo with ten stars. On the other hand, one way to look at purchasing Super is this: Many other series get updated every year with a few new features but at the heart are still the same game.
Cammy's Cross-Up Four Hit
1) Cross up the enemy with a deep Strong Punch.
2) Do a standing Jab against small characters or a Strong against big characters. 3) Immediately two-in-one into the Roundhouse Cannon Drill for up to four hits.
Dee Jay's Cross-Up Five Hit
1) Cross them up with a deep Forward while Charging Toward (the other way).
2) Do two standing Strong punches while still Charging
3) Immediately two-in-one into the Roundhouse Dread Kick for two more hits.
Fei Long's Cross-UpFive Hit
1) Cross them up with the Roundhouse.
2) Do a standing Fierce.
3) Immediately two-in-one into the Fierce Rekka Ken. Do two more Rekka Kens for five hits!
T. Hawk's Cross-Up Four Hit
1) Cross up the opponent with a Fierce Body Splash (hold Down).
2) Do a low Jab.
3) Do a standing Forward,
4) Immediately two-in-one into the Rising Hawk.
Last year, you were promised a Champion right away, but instead you had to wait forever just to get something Special. Remember the pixel blur and less-than-defined colors? Remember the tinny music? Remember the phlegm-in-your-throat voices? Once again, all this and more can be yours if you purchase Super Street Fighter II for the Genesis instead of for the SNES. Oh...did I mention this game has only four stars of speed, whereas Special had ten?
- Ryu's red Fireball has an Increased hit range, so you can use it as a "shield mov" to trade hits more effectively.
- You can trade hits with Fei Long's Rising Dragon Kick if you hit him deep enough.
Super Sega
Super SFII for the Super Nintendo outdoes the graphics, music, and voices of its Sega counterpart. Buyers who own both systems beware: Get the SNES version! (Unless one star is all that important to you.)
Ken's three-hit Flaming Dragon Punch often dizzies, especially if used in a combo.
Overall, Super for the Genesis is still an extremely high-quality, value-packed, solid translation of the coin-op that includes tons of extra (though not necessarily worthwhile) features. The game brings home all 16 characters from the arcade, including the fabled New Challengers: Cammy, Dee Jay, Fei Long, and T. Hawk.
Game Play All the Way
Super SF II feels very solid and responsive, just like its Special Champion Edition predecessor did. Which Super actually plays better -- the Genesis or SNES -- is a toss-up. Unfortunately, Super was never the game it could have been in the arcades, and the same imbalances and flaws that hurt the coin-op still affect the home versions. What happened to Ken's Roundhouse/Hurricane Kick air combos? Where is Guile's double-hitting Flash Kick?
As far as new features go, Super Genesis is a jack of all trades but master of none. Most of the options are pretty cosmetic or just downright boring and unimportant. For example, you can play a Time Challenge mode where you try to beat the computer in the shortest time possible. Gee, why is this fun when breaking the record is blind luck (the CPU must expose itself by throwing a fireball) and the game doesn't save high scores?
How about the new Tournament Battle, with one-round matches and the inability to use real-life tournament rules? The most potentially interesting mode is the Expert mode, which pits you against all 16 opponents instead of just 12. There better be a special ending for beating this mode!
Doing Zangief's Spinning Pile Driver motion with a kick is safer than with a punch, because you can get either the Siberian Suplex or the Siberian Bear Crusher to come out.
All the Frames, Less Filling
Super seems to have retained almost all the graphical candy and animation quality of the coin-op, from Ruy's heart quickening fireball intro to Cammy's winning poses. However, it's still the Genesis, so prepare for some color loss.
The only way to break the record in the rime Challenge mode is to hop a fireball and do a sure-dizzy combo followed by a sure-killing combo.
The audio is pretty much what you'd expect -- raspy but still the familiar awesome tunes. The voices range from passable to grainy; some seem to have been sampled at higher rates than others. (Cammy's "Thrust Kick" is just awful.)
Stars and Secrets
With four stars (five speed settings total, one more than the SNES), the Genesis version is reasonable fast. Unfortunately Capcom hasn't confirmed the existence of codes for more stars, so if you're a speed demon, you may want to stick with your ten-star Special Champion Edition version.
Any chance this game could have a Super Turbo code? No, according to Capcom. That's really too bad, because this game should have been the ultimate version of SF. Personally, I would rather have lost the Ryu cinematic and all those lame option modes if I could have gained Super death moves, the new moves in ST, or even just Akuma.
T. Hawk's Rising Hawk Is essentially an uppercut that counters most jumping or standing moves.
The Final Street Fight?
After so many versions of Street Fighter, one initially would have hoped that Super would be the last, the best, and the most complete. Unfortunately, from the looks of things none of those three wishes have come true. Regardless, Super is still Street Fighter, Street Fighter is still the best fighting game ever made, and if you don't own a SNES, you probably will enjoy a purchase or extended rental of this Genesis product.
- Machine: 3DO.
- Manufacturer: by Capcom. publisher Panasonic.
Yes! The world's best known (not to mention best) fighting game finally arrives on 3DO, and it's a winner! It's all here, every character, every move, every background, and every grunt, groan and 'Ha-Ko-Den!'
It looks great in 24-bit color, sounds great in CD audio, and best of all, there's not even any wait for access time between rounds - well, ok, there is a little, but not enough to notice or distract you from the action.
The only downside is a slight wonkiness to the controls. The buttons are laid out a bit strange, and that 3DO joypad just doesn't respond well enough to keep up with SFII pros. Every box does come with an offer for a 3DO compatible six-button controller. But this is really just quibbling. Overall, it's about the perfect package if you're looking for that Street Fighter fix and really need it bad.
- Machine: Genesis;
- Manufacturer: Capcom;
Warning: Do not read any further unless you have access to a major videogame arcade. There are no official plans at this time to bring Super Street Fighter II to home systems, and we don't want to torture home players. Thank you.
Although we usually don't cover arcade games, we think you'll understand our making this exception - Super Street Fighter 2! That's right, you heard correctly, and no, this isn't the same game with the speed turned up. We're talkin' new backgrounds, new graphics, new moves, new characters, and more. Got your attention? Thought so.
Here's a sneak peek at the arcade version, but keep in mind that these screens are from the Japanese coin-op version. In Japan, Balrog is called M. Bison, Vega is Balrog, and M. Bison is Vega. Confusing... but worth it.
"So when will I see SSD2 for my Snes or Genesis?" We hear you, and it's a good question. While a home version is practically a sure thing, it's still way off in the future. Capcom doesn't have a specific release date yet - or even official word of a translation. But in the meantime, save up those quarters!
Dee Jay
Born: 1965
Height: 6'1" (184 cm.)
Weight: 202 lbs. (92 kg.)
Blood Type: A
- screaming
- dancing
- singing
Dislikes: silence
Dee Jay is a loud and cheerful guy who always has a smile on his face (even when he's asleep), and he's very conscientious about the way he dresses. With his natural rhythm and excellent reflexes, he was a professional musician and part-time kickboxer when one day he experienced a special sensation in his kick-boxing rhythm during a match. Now he travels the world in pursuit of this new kind of "music."
Born: 1974
Height: 5'4" (164 cm.)
Weight: 101 lbs. (46 kg.)
Blood Type: B
Likes: cats
Dislikes: everything she sees when she's upset
Cammy is very fickle and prone to wild mood swings. She can be very self-centered, and she lives mostly in ignorance of the world around her.
At 19, Cammy works as a British special agent - her memory goes back only three years, when she was found unconscious in front of the special agency academy. Rescued by the agents, she began training and quickly became a top agent. Her latest mission is to terminate Shadolu's "bosses". As she travels the world to accomplish her mission, a surprising truth begins to unfold.
Fei Long
Born: 1969
Height: 5'8" (172 cm.)
Weight: 132 lbs. (60 kg.)
Blood Type: O
- kung fu
- self-assertion
- the spiritless
- the emotionless
- the indifferent
Fei Long is also full of energy - but he's hot-blooded, reckless, and very emotional. Basically simple minded, he's easily moved to tears.
After years of kung-fu training, he's become a famous martial-arts star in action movies. But when he learns about the "International Fighting Championship", Fei Long decides to enter and test his skill.
Thunder Hawk
Born: 1959
Height: 7'6" (230 cm.)
Weight: 224 lbs. (102 kg.)
Blood Type: O
- animals
- hair decoration
Dislikes: lies
T'Hawk comes across as an unsociable guy, but actually he's warm-hearted and has great respect for Earth and animals. He doesn't like to fight, but once enraged, nothing can stop him.
While on his deathbed, T'Hawk's father told the fighter that his family had been chased from its homeland by the "Shadolu" organization. Now he's ready to return to the land of his ancestors and reclaim his home from the Shadolu.
One new feature is that the dizzies are shown before you even land. This puts the downed fighter at a disadvantage, since the other player can then back off briefly and do devastating combos. Many power moves are your best defense as well as offense. Perform your move to counter and simultaneously hit. Try a close D.P. through a fireball. These moves are also great for reversing traps. Moves have more of a recoiling effect. After certain moves, the player is pushed back out of range to prevent cheap combos. Timings and ranges have been altered to make things even.
The theory behind combos is hitting your opponent to prevent them from blocking several moves in succession. The key is to use a quick move like a strong/forward or a jab/short after the initial hit to keep them from blocking, then pull off a big power move. For charging moves it's very important to pull back in the air or you'll be charged when you land. Another method is to do an attack that almost goes through your foe and turns around (like Honda's) and Zangief's splash). This is often hard to block if you don't know what side they are on. One last technique is to trap your opponent by "zoning". Keep them at a distance where you can always counter and chip away at them. This is cheap but works well, especially with characters that use projectile weapons.
The Tournament Battle
For the first time in the States, four machines will be hooked up in tand and bubble burstersem for eight-player simultaneous competition. Some sport games have used dual screens, but never have there been four together. Not only will the competition be high, but the quality is supposed to be equally impressive, with computer control and surround sound quality with Q Sound. This new challenge is bound to renew arcade interest in SF II. Stand-alone versions will be available as well, but the awesome challenge of Tournament Mode is hard to resist.
Dee Jay
The happy mon from Jamaica is a real contender for the title. His moves are fast, far reaching and damaging. Look for this overall well balanced character to become a quick favorite in your local arcade.
She is the only other female world warrior. Don't let her size fool you - she has air throws, fast ground attacks and her moves do a considerable amount of damage. Move over Chun, here's Cammy!
Thunder Hawk
This is the next big boy on the block. His moves are devastating. Zangief players may take stock in this power-house that requires real timing in order to defeat enemies.
Fei Long
This guy is quick and loaded with combos. His moves aren't that damaging, but he makes it up with multiple hits. The only thing he needs is a Fireball!
Probably the most balanced character, Ryu is equally fast and powerful. He is the master of the Fireball and still takes off quite a bit with every hit.
Chun Li
The female warrior has gotten the majority of the new moves. Mostly they're just revisions, but they give her a new edge in the competition.
The liberated Russian gets pumped up with a few new moves including an Air Throw. The tough wrestler has a new standard throw.
The poor sumo hasn't gotten any new moves, but he has a faster Torpedo that can be used in combos.
As if Ken wasn't powerful enough already, they gave him a four-hit Flaming Dragon Punch. You can imagine the combos that will leave you with little or no energy.
The beast has a new technique for dodging. Fireballs, but still remains the same. He's still got range and speed.
The yoga master has gotten some of the range and a few fire attacks that complement each other. He is great for zoning an opponent with his fire and long attacks.
This big boxer has a new technique for going through projectiles. He has also gotten a large variety of new punches to help diversify him.
The former champ is making a big comeback with loads of new attacks. He hasn't gotten any new power moves but he doesn't really need them.
The beauty queen has gained an extra move but more importantly he has several new kicks and punches. Now he's more agile.
The service man hasn't gotten any new moves, but he's been restored to his old powerful self. People complained that he was weak - not now.
- Fighting
After what seemed like forever, Street Fighter 2 Turbo Edition is finally coming to the Super NES! Yes indeed, all the moves you liked in the arcade are here! Play as the boss characters, too! No stupid trick for that one!
The game play has been sped up to lightning speeds. It plays as well as the previous Super NES SF2, but looks even better, as you can tell from the pictures. All the new moves, like Honda's flying butt slam, and Ryu and Ken's in-the-air Hurricane Kicks. Even Chun Li has her fireball!
You can expect this arcade wonder to hit your Super NES very soon. Is is worth the wait? I You bet! Street Fighter 2 Turbo Edition may just be the ultimate fighting game!
No more "Special" editions. No more multi-month delays. No more second place for Sega. Super Street Fighter II will debut simultaneously on both 16-bit systems in July, so Genesis aficionados can play alongside their SNES siblings. In fact, Genesis owners will get a few exclusive benefits, such as faster game play.
Hot from the Arcades
Super is a straight dump from coin-op, so of course all the New Challengers, new moves for the old World Warriors and bosses, new computer A.I. patterns, new portrait graphics, new animation, new music, new voices, new sounds, and new endings will all be in this 40-meg monster! (Whew.) Of course, the big question is how sharp the graphics will look and how clean the audio will sound given the Genesis's capabilities.
Overall, it looks like there will be a few minor feature differences between the Genesis and SNES versions. For starters, the Genesis has an extra star of speed, for a total of five speed levels (0-4), as opposed to four on the SNES (0-3). Also, for computer-crushing fighters, a new Expert mode enables you to challenge all 16 opponents instead of just 12 on the SNES. The Score Challenge mode, where you fight to earn the most points in a certain amount of time, replaces Time Challenge mode. Finally, the Match Play mode from Group Battle has been nixed in favor of a Point Match mode where the amount of time remaining on the clock when you beat the enemy translates into points, and the player who scores the most points over the series wins.
- Vega uses his new Off-the-Wall Claw Thrust against Guile.
- Ken's Flaming Dragon Punch lights up the screen.
- Bison's new Flying Psycho Fist can confuse his enemies!
- T. Hawk has a nasty elbow hold to bust Ryu's chops.
Another Genesis in Fighting Games?
Critics contended that despite audio limitations, Special for Genesis outplayed Turbo for SNES. Super Sega's extra star is an indication that this could be another great-feeling edition of the legendary series.
You felt it in the wind. You heard it whispered in the alleys. You smelled it like the sweat and blood dripping off Sagat's scarred chest. And now it's official: SSF2 is coming home to Super NES and Genesis simultaneously...complete with three stars of selectable speed. The only thing Capcom hasn't planned for this game is Super Turbo moves from the pew arcade game. Here's a first look at the SNES edition of what's shaping up to be one of the biggest arcade conversions.
How Direct Can It Get?
Arcade players had a somewhat mixed reaction to Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers, new combos, improved artwork, and great sound system were commended while the slow game play and the absense of some moves from the previous Turbo CE version were criticized.
Since Super is planned as a near identical translation of the coin-op, in the pry all the good and bad should be carried over, except for one major difference: speed. Unlike the original arcade game, the Super home games have three speed stars, and the faster action could remedy this major complaint about the arcade version.
Super's a huge 32-meg cartridge, the largest in history (double the size of the 16-meg original SFII). All that memory appears to be allocated to capturing all the sights and sounds of the coin-op. The most obvious and good news is that nothing appears to have been censored or cut. All the new backgrounds are there in full glory: Ryu's opening Fireball cinematic is frame-for-frame perfect, Cammy is still wearing her trademark leotard, and Chun Li's Fireball is completely unaltered. Whether anything at all is missing is yet unknown; we will Jet you know next issue.
As far as game play goes, it should all be here, too! From Dee Jay's massive Hyper Fist combos to Ken's cross-up flaming Dragon Punch death combos, every maneuver and technique should be fdentical as usual.
The sounds are a nearly, straight dump from the coin-op and, though Q-Sound was impossible, you'll hear every instrument, including the electric-guitars on Fei Long's stage and the Bengal roar when Sagat does a Tiger move. However, the echo effects will be different using the SNES sound chip.
Around the World in 15 Seconds
In addition to the star speed, Capcom has added two new modes for extra fun. One is the Time Challenge, where two players compete to see who can defeat computer-controlled opponents the fastest. Tournament Battle is an eight- player single-elimination tourney identical to the limited- release arcade Tournament Battle machines. The Super Battle mode is the same as Came Start, Versus Battle is the same as always, and Group Battle is the same as it was in last year's Genesis Special Champion Edition.
Is SUPER Really Super?
After nearly three years atop the industry, can Street Fighter II pull out another one, or will Mortal Kombat II come out this fall and send the World Warriors to an early grave? Just how close is the Super translation? Is there any chance that Super Turbo Death Moves or more stars might be buried in the game? Right now, our predictions are: maybe, very, and possibly.
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers was the first Street Fighter game that Capcom would release on its CPS-2 hardware. All prior Street Fighter games had been released on Capcom's CPS-1 hardware. The arcade version of this game also included a variant that allowed four arcade cabinets to be connected together for simultaneous tournament play. This version contained the most extensive changes introduced in the series:
Four new characters were added (Cammy, T. Hawk, Fei Long, and Dee Jay). Boss characters received updated regular move sets. Boss characters also received new, individual game endings. Each character could be selected with one of eight different color pallettes. Some of the original eight playable characters received updated art and audio. The speed introduced in Hyper Fighting was reduced. A combo counter (a first despite combos being in the game since the original), as well as point bonuses for first attack, combos and reversals.
But if you download it your mind will get blown away
No denying it its street fighter with SUPER it front of it u know you gotta get it.