One Piece Grand Adventure

a game by Ganbarion Co., Ltd.
Platform: Playstation 2 (2006)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Download Anime Games, Download Fighting Games, Manga Games, Side Scrolling Games, 2D Platformer Games, One Piece Series
One Piece Grand Adventure
One Piece Grand Adventure
One Piece Grand Adventure

If you cast your mind back to the primitive gaming era of the nineties and compare with today’s gaming landscape. One thing remains throughout this stretch of time, we all love fighting games that allow us to beat the snot out of each other. Then if this is based on an existing show or popular IP and we get to face off against some of our favourite characters, then all the better. Anime series have always had the upper hand in this department as their format has always lent itself to the fighting genre. So when One Piece: Grand Adventure was announced, we were hardly surprised to see this series have another crack at delivering fighting game perfection.

This game plays very similarly to its predecessor One Piece: Grand Battle. However, looking outside of the series, this game plays rather similarly to titles such as Jump Force, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. This title aims to bring all the excitement of the One-Piece series to the player. However, is it a remarkable replication, or simply another mediocre beat-em-up. We find out in our review of One Piece: Grand Adventure.

An Arcade Anime Showcase

What fans of the series will realise when they begin this title is that the similarity to the previous game is uncanny. Players will be able to play with a very similar roster of fighters, fight in a 3D style arena much like the first title and the combat allows the player to pick up items, deliver aggressive combos and button mash with a great rate of success. Again, much like the last title. It’s not completely like for like. However, the changes aren’t substantial enough for it not to be the main point of our criticism.

The graphics have certainly had a facelift of sorts, offering much more crisp animations, nicer, more refined character models. Plus, the arenas have seen an update with the previous game’s returning areas looking better and the new areas offering a breath of fresh air for fans. Plus, all the characters now have unique movesets and several costume changes which is a nice bonus. We just aren’t sure that this is worth making a whole new game.

A Grand Adventure

Well, with that in mind we should mention the one aspect of this game that truly sets it apart from it’s predecessor, Grand Adventure mode. This mode allows the player to travel across the high seas, engage in a number of thematic and story related battles, relive moments based on the anime series and best of all, the structure of the mode is so well crafted that it feels like a brand new One Piece adventure. Then when you take into account the various hours of additional content the RPG elements add, there is certainly an argument that this mode is worth the price of admission alone.

The Verdict

Overall, One Piece: Grand Adventure doesn’t change a lot to stand out on it’s own. It relies on the core gameplay of it’s predecessor, offers a lot of the same characters, arenas and assets as the previous game and for that reason, if you are looking for a more refined fighting experience, this isn’t it.


However, for fans of the series looking to get new story based content and a more deep campaign mode, this game offers this in abundance. Its going to be down to a matter of preference but we say that if you are a One Piece fan, it’s at least worth seeing for yourself.


  • New characters, costumes, arenas and move sets
  • Provides a new Adveture mode which is a deep and enthralling experience


  • Relies on the same assets and gameplay as the original game
  • More of a button basher than a skill based fighting title

Download One Piece Grand Adventure

Playstation 2

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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