LISA: Definitive Edition

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a game by Dingaling Productions
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Games, 2D Platformer Games, RPGs
LISA: Definitive Edition
LISA: Definitive Edition
LISA: Definitive Edition
LISA: Definitive Edition

It's no secret that these games have a cult following, making it all the more exciting for a newly-packaged re-release. LISA: Definitive Edition is a remarkable compilation that combines the acclaimed two RPGs in the series, presenting them in stunning high-definition remakes. This definitive edition offers an unforgettable and emotionally intense journey into a post-apocalyptic world filled with despair, sacrifice, and unexpected glimmers of hope.

It's not a question of how good the games are, but whether playing them again is worth it with all the features implemented in LISA: Definitive Edition. That striking narrative and immersive gameplay would say yes, but what about the new elements integrated into the re-release? We don't need to be convinced to play the two titles.

The Apocalypse in HD

One of the most striking aspects of LISA: Definitive Edition is its unique and haunting art style. The game presents a visually distinctive world, blending hand-drawn characters with atmospheric and desolate environments. The attention to detail in the character designs, animations, and backgrounds creates a bleak yet captivating atmosphere that perfectly captures the essence of the game's narrative. The HD remakes enhance the visuals, bringing the world of Olathe to life with a newfound level of immersion.

At the core of LISA: Definitive Edition lies a profoundly compelling and emotionally charged narrative. The story delves into dark and mature themes, exploring the depths of human nature and the lengths people will go to protect what they hold dear. It's a poignant and thought-provoking tale that examines sacrifice, regret, and the consequences of one's actions.

The writing is exceptional, with well-rounded characters, intense dialogue, and unexpected twists that keep players invested in the story from start to finish. The enhanced visuals further amplify the emotional impact of the game's choices and consequences and revamped cutscenes in the definitive edition. Though it's worth noting that the play touches on difficult emotions and may not be for the faint of heart.

The gameplay in LISA: Definitive Edition offers a challenging and strategic RPG experience. Players navigate the post-apocalyptic world, engaging in turn-based battles and making choices that impact both the protagonist and the companions they encounter along the way. Combat requires careful resource management, as the scarcity of supplies and the permanent consequences of character death add weight to each encounter. The game strikes a delicate balance between exploration, combat, and character development, resulting in a satisfying and immersive gameplay loop.

A Beautiful Dystopia

LISA: Definitive Edition rebukes what makes these two titles great. The game explores dark and disturbing themes, featuring intense violence and mature content. It tackles sensitive subjects with raw and unflinching honesty, creating an experience that may not be suitable for all players. But it was satisfying to get stuck into these fantastic epics again! The same feeling as when we got BioShock definitive editions.


The challenging gameplay and atmospheric soundtrack further elevate the game, immersing players in the lonely world of Olathe. If you're willing to explore the depths of human nature and appreciate a mature and thought-provoking narrative, LISA: Definitive Edition is an absolute must-play that will leave a lasting impression.


  • The HD features and UI improvements enhance the game
  • The mechanics and control scheme translate well to different consoles
  • Still the same immersion as the original releases


  • Some of the subject matters may be difficult for some players

Download LISA: Definitive Edition


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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