Halloween Harem

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a game by Hotpink
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Harem Games, Halloween Games
Halloween Harem
Halloween Harem
Halloween Harem
Halloween Harem

I am a sucker for anything Halloween related so the fact that Halloween Harem has that in the title and featured a big tiddy goth babe was more than enough to get me interested in checking this thing out. This is a lewd first-person adventure game that is a fun little time. It is not trying to be anything groundbreaking, instead, it is just trying to be a fun lewd adventure and it more than exceeds in that regard. What I will say is that you need to have an interest in Halloween and spooky chicks to really appreciate what is going on here.

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go!

A Wham reference in honor of the late great George Michael who I am sure would have loved Halloween Harem! Anyway, the story is something that I got a huge kick out of in this game. We play as a guy who awakens in a strange land and he awakens with a hot goth girl's thighs as his pillows. It does not take our “hero” long to notice that she is not wearing a costume as this whole place is full of ghosts and ghouls, only they happen to be cute babes! Our guy needs to find out what is going on and if he can bang a bunch of hottie monster girls along the way all the better!

Funny, Cute, But Also Deadly!

I love the various characters that this game has. Halloween Harem is all about its spooky characters from the goth girls, the witch, the ghost chick who can take her head off, , and even the pumpkin! This game is very character driven. I like how the game is not taking itself too seriously and I thought that the way the characters were written was a lot of fun. I found that the game had a kind of goofy vibe about it and that was something I felt added a great deal of charm to things. Again though, I am a sucker for Halloween and spooky stuff so maybe I am a bit biased.

What Kind Of Magic Spell To Use?

One of the biggest negatives I have read about Halloween Harem is that the game is a real beast to run. It took me a while to get the game to actually load up and even then it did not run great and my PC fan sounded like a jet engine! The gameplay is simple, but also charming like the rest of the game. I like how we get to walk around this town in the first-person. It is not a huge area, but we do get to go where we like. We basically do a bunch of fetch quests for the characters and that leads to a sexy scene. Once you have seen them all, that is the end of the game. While there is not exactly a great deal to it, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game, despite the technical issues.

My Dream Horror Girls!

The visuals in Halloween Harem are awesome and what made me excited to play this game. When a big boobed goth looking chick and a girl with her head stuck in a can and her butt in the air are the first things you see, you know you are in for a good time. I love the character designs and think that there is a good mixture of sexy, but also some super weird creative ones too, like when you bang the chick with her head on her stomach. The game has a very Halloween vibe to the way it looks and the style of the town and the characters are voice acted which makes the whole thing even more fun.


Even though the gameplay is not super deep if Halloween Harem had been better optimized and not caused my PC to chug along and my fan to go into overdrive, I would have scored this a 10/10 as that was how much fun I had with it. However, I cannot ignore the technical issues, and some people have reported not even being able to get this to run. Yet, with that being said, when I was playing it, I had a huge smilele on my face the whole time and thought that the Halloween setting was freaking awesome.


  • The Halloween babes are so much fun
  • There are some very creative character designs in this game
  • I liked the story and thought it was charming
  • The characters are voice acted and sound great


  • The game needs to be optimized better so it runs more efficiently
  • If you are not into Halloween or spooky stuff, you could probably knock a whole point off my score!

Download Halloween Harem


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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