Freshmen: Physical Education

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a game by FreshmenVN
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games, Visual Novel, LGBTQ+ Games, BL Games
Freshmen: Physical Education
Freshmen: Physical Education
Freshmen: Physical Education
Freshmen: Physical Education

Freshmen: Physical Education is a fantastic gay themed lewd visual novel. I love the approach that the developer took to this one and I really did enjoy my time with the game. It is being released as an episodic series and from what I have played so far, I am in this for the long haul as it is such an engaging and relatable story that it is very easy to put yourself in the shoes of our main character that the story is set around. As I enjoyed my time with this so much I wanted to share my thoughts on why this is so awesome.

Coming Of Age

Our main character in Freshmen: Physical Education is called Connor. Connor is at an arts school where he dreams of becoming a writer. Right from the start of the game, Connor is likable and has a fun and friendly, but a little shy personality. He is tasked with producing a piece of writing about sex and sexuality. While that sounds like a fun assignment, there is a problem! Connor has just recently come out and his experience in this regard is slim, to say the least!

Finding His Way

The way that the story progresses in Freshmen: Physical Education is that we basically need to decide if Connor is going to try and find love with a meaningful relationship or if he is going to just try and have some fun and hook up with as many guys as he can. The story can go in different directions and I felt that the game did a good job of making it clear what sort of direction your choices were going to make the game go. The writing is very well done as there are many likable characters here and some of the dialogue is witty and funny too which helps you connect with the characters on a deeper level than them just being hot, speaking of which!

Dudes That Hit The Gym!

Freshmen: Physical Education is going for a more realistic style when it comes to its character designs. Connor is just as cute as he is likable, but the rest of the cast is a bit of a mixed bag. It is not that anyone is unattractive, but it is more like they pull some really weird faces sometimes. However, one area where all the dudes rock is their bodies. This game has a whole host of guys with athletic and muscular bodies and that is pretty awesome. It also has some fantastic erotic scenes which thanks to the writing actually seem way hotter when you get one.

Locking It In

With Freshmen: Physical Education being a lewd visual novel, the gameplay is quite basic and easy to figure out. You get to make key decisions for Connor at regular points during the story. What is interesting about this is that some choices can lock you in and make you stay on that particular path for the rest of your session which means there is some replay value here. You have a host of good characters to get to know better and the developer even has some bonus content where we can see Connor hooking up with some of the side characters.


I was very impressed with Freshmen: Physical Education. It is one of the better gay themed lewd visual novels I have played recently. I like how most of the characters are likable or at the very least understandable in their actions. It has a solid cast of characters that are brought to life with some very witty writing that makes you feel like you are one of the guys. Plus, the fact that these dudes are all rocking great bodies does not hurt things either!


  • I thought Connor was a good main character
  • There are many love interests to get to know
  • You feel like your decisions matter
  • I love the way that the character's bodies look


  • Some of the guys pull weird faces
  • You may not appreciate being locked into a path when you make a key choice

Download Freshmen: Physical Education


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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