Armored Core: For Answer

Download Armored Core: For Answer and pilot powerful mechs in this intense action game! Customize your mech with a variety of weapons and parts, engage in epic battles, and decide the fate of a dystopian world. Are you ready to become the ultimate pilot? Play now!
a game by FromSoftware, Inc.
Platforms: XBox 360, Playstation 3 (2008)
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.4/10 - 16 votes
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See also: Mechs Games, Armored Core Series
Armored Core: For Answer
Armored Core: For Answer
Armored Core: For Answer

Armored Core: For Answer is one of many of the AC franchise. "Armored Core: For Answer" is a game where you control a mech as your main character. This game includes mech-based combat with several ways to play. You can play in single-player, multiplayer, or co-op mode. From develops the Armored Core franchise Software Inc. The company has been developing these games since 1997, with the original release of Armored Core on Playstation 1.

Some of the evolved gameplay in the newer games includes a power increase for all boosts and added a higher speed booster called the Vanguard Over Booster in the game. "Armored Core: For Answer" is the second Armored Core to include multiple endings based on the player's decisions. "Armored Core: For Answer" has three different possible endings depending on how you choose to play the game.

New Features

"Armored Core: For Answer" was the first game to include several new game features within the franchise. FromSoftware Inc. featured an updated interface with "Armored Core: For Answer." The company continued with a playable online but added more features. "Armored Core: For Answer" was the first in the franchise to incorporate a co-operative mode as well as a PVP (player vs. player) mode known as versus.

One more feature newly added to the franchise in "Armored Core: For Answer" is the Assault Armor attack. The Assault Armor attack will only be available during certain parts of the game. Laser blades are more effective in this version of Armored Core due to the upgraded laser attack. "Armored Core: For Answer" had the most extensive maps in the franchise when it was launched. The maps included a more detailed environment that included environmental damage; for example, a building collapsing on a player would damage them.

Franchise Improvements

All of the original mechanics from the first games have been given a revamp. The game added over 20 different colors for you to choose from for your HUD. In "Armored Core: For Answer," FRS tuning points allow you to customize certain character attributes. "Armored Core: For Answer" had 442 FRS which was the largest amount in an Armored Core game that has been released. Kid Icarus: Uprising is the best game in the franchise when it comes to new and funner bosses. As well as, better looking more customizable mechs. "Kid Icarus: Uprising" also adds new weapons, customizer mech parts, and abilities from the previous two Armored Core games.


Armored Core For Answer is an entertaining game to play. The style and mechanics of the game make it enjoyable to learn and master your mechs in the addition of online co-op gameplay made for a better experience for more casual players. I liked most about the game because even though the mechanics could be complex at times, it was still easier to pick than mech games with more demanding mechanics such as Titanfall 2.


  • Customization
  • Enjoyable mech battles
  • Detailed map environment
  • The addition of online co-op


  • Technical issues
  • Graphics
  • Not made for casual players

Download Armored Core: For Answer

XBox 360

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Playstation 3

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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