Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures

a game by Namco Ltd.
Genres: Adventure/RPG, Platformer
Platforms: Sega GenesisGenesis, SNESSNES
Editor Rating: 7.1/10, based on 9 reviews
User Rating: 6.6/10 - 7 votes
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See also: Download Puzzle Games, Download Quest Games, Scratch Games, Pac-Man Games
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures

You may recall a Fact File on this game done a long time ago. Well, Namco's been retooling this one a bit to make it better.

Unlike the usual maze-like screens, you must guide Pac-Man around his new world in a fashion similar to Linus Spacehead. Find items to use, and occasionally go to the action sequences.

As before, Pac-Man's old nemeses, the ghosts, are back. They will stop at nothing to get the "Pacster." Other famous faces can be seen as well. Mrs. Pac-Man, Chomp Chomp, and Baby Pac are all here.

Pac-Man 2 may break away from the typical Pac-Man motif, but that makes it even more fun and original.

The old game is even built-in for nostalgic purposes. How about that? Sounds like fun to me.

Download Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Game modes: Single game mode

Player controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
  • Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
  • "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
  • "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
  • "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)

Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Pentium II (or equivalent) 266MHz (500MHz recommended), RAM: 64MB (128MB recommended), DirectX v8.0a or later must be installed

Game Reviews

Pac-Man 2 is an unusual multi-scrolling action/puzzler that's crammed with tricky brainteasers. Don't worry, retro-arcade purists, you'll discover classic Pac-Man in here someday, but until then, get up close and personal with an original arcade star.

ProTip: Shoot the hang glider to make it dive.

Glum about Gum

You and Pac-Man must solve various puzzles to burst the Ghost Witch's plans to steal all the bubble gum from Pac-City's kids! Your dizzyingly diverse challenges range from milking a cow to sabotaging a Ghost-making machine.

Namco's imaginative Char-acter Guidance Interface (CGI) enables you to interact with the Man by shooting objects (including him) with a slingshot or by pointing an onscreen cursor.

Communication Is Everything

The CGI controls work like a charm, but you don't always get the on-screen response you'd like. That's because Pac-Man responds according to his mood, and, yes, sometimes he's not in the mood!

In addition to tackling some genuinely obscure puzzles, part of your challenge is getting into Pac-Man's head to control him. For instance, Pac- Man ignores you if you make him mad by shooting him too often or if you make him sad by nailing his animal buds.

Your Pac pal provides plenty of funny feedback, thanks to great graphics and serviceable sounds. The sharp visuals make it clear that Packie's directing his anger, sadness, or joy right at you (he even "taps" the screen to get your attention). His goofy, intentionally unintelligible Pac language is in tune with the graphics, so it's almost understandable. However, the simple music's simply snoresville.

Welcome Pac

Playing with Pac-Man as your pal rather than just as a sprite is definitely an acquired taste. The low-speed actions best suited for kids with plenty of curiosity, intermediate puzzle players looking for an unusual challenge, and old-timers who just want to party with Pac-Man. Pac-Man is back, man!

  • In Mission 3, the manhole cover in the city leads to a hidden level. The leaking lire hydrant is the key.
  • Shoot everything. Sometimes it even pays to shoot Pac- Man, just to make him mad enough to reveal certain items.
  • Always be kind to animals, except the Crow. Avoid the cat and the Dog.
  • In Mission 2, Pac-Man must be happy to pick the Mountain Flower. Don't let him walk off the cliff! To exit the level, find a bunny.

Think you know just what to expect from Pac-Man? Then Pac-Man 2 will surprise you. It's an altogether different adventure for the well-rounded hero. Parts of it are very entertaining, but you'll also find yourself wondering whatever happened to good old-fashioned Pac-Man.

ProTip: Sometimes the only way to get past obstacles is getting Pac-Man good and mad by tagging him with the Slingshot.

Meet the Man

Pac-Man 2 is part graphic adventure, part action/adventure, and even part traditional Pac-Man. As Pac-Man, you roam through the colorful streets and countryside of Pac-Land, performing various chores doled out by Ms. Pac-Man. For example, as his first mission, Pac-Man must hunt down a bottle of milk for baby Pac.

To complete each chore, Pac-Man has to perform various tasks in the correct order. Sound familiar? Here's the twist: Pac-Man has a mind of his own and walks around free of your control. You can make him look in certain directions, and you can turn him into Super Pac-Man, but other than that, he's surprisingly independent. At times, he even gets depressed and refuses to do anything you want! Your main source of control is your trusty slingshot. You use it to fire at anything and everything onscreen. When you tag different objects, all kinds of things happen, enabling Pac-Man to complete his chores.

Pac-Man also hunts for various power-ups, including train passes and ID cards. The ever- familiar Power Pills transform him into Super Pac-Man, which comes in handy when he needs to chomp on his archenemies, the ghosts.

For a little déjà vu, go into the Arcade and play the original Pac-Man. If you grab all three pieces of the cartridge, you can play Ms. Pac-Man, too!

Attackin' Pac

Pac-Man 2's very innovative in its use of an established character who really has a personality of his own. In terms of the controls, however, the game is frustrating because Pac-Man doesn't always respond well. Although this adds to the illusion of Pac-Man being his own little guy, it's very annoying.

Bright, colorful graphics capture the Pac-Manesque mood nicely. Pac-Man's charming animations and reactions to events are very amusing. The tunes are cool, incorporating sounds of the original game and squeaky voices.

  • To grab the first piece of the cartridge, shoot the door of the house just past the mean dog. Go inside, and you'll soon figure out the rest.
  • To get the Milk, go to the post with the empty bottle, stand in front of it, and hit the crow with the Slingshot. The crow'll fly down and knock the bottle off the post. Grab the bottle, milk the cow, and be on your way.
  • To get over these ledges on the mountaintop, hit Pac- Man with the Slingshot just before you reach the ledge.

Hit and Miss

Overall, Pac-Man 2's original game play will entertain you. Unfortunately, repetitive events and frustrating controls make you wish for the simplicity of the original game. But h'ey, the original game's in there too, so check it out.

Here we have a truly unique video game. Pac-Man 2 definitely changes the way a normal game is played. The game is played in third-person perspective. You don't actually "control" Pac-Man, instead you guide him through a bunch of different levels. Plus you can even get him to fly a hang glider, ride in a mining cart, and go skateboarding. When Pac-Man is really happy he'll listen to every order given and try to do them to the best of his abilities. But if he is unhappy or sad, he won't do a darn thing you tell him. Once that happens, you must find him some food or something for him to look at that will make him happy. The ghosts are all over the place. However, power pellets are scattered everywhere for you to eat in order to stop the ghosts. There are tons of different animations that Pac-Man will perform. I guarantee you that 98 percent of the animations will make you laugh.


This game has so many funny animations, you'll laugh until your side hurts or til the ghosties get to you.


You can get frustrated very easily. If Pac gets mad, he won't follow your instructions.


Watching the poor, hungry alley cat beat the bloody #@*! out Pac-Man for his hot dog.

  • Manufacturer: NAMCO
  • # of players: 1
  • Difficulty: MODERATE
  • Available: OCTOBER 1994
  • Cartridge size: 12 MEG
  • No. of Levels: 4
  • Theme: PUZZLE/RPG

Pac-Man has just returned from the dead! This time around, you are in a whole unique atmosphere! This is an order of events type game play that is really original! You are the Great One (a pseudo God-Overseer, I guess) who helps out Pac-Man with his regular daily stuff that he needs to do. The game is hysterical, and loaded with many forms of animation and unique things that happen to him. There is even a little bonus too - the classic forms of Pac-Man are all present in this game! You just need to find out where they are! A blast from the past is looking good!

Pac-Man has just returned from the dead! This time around, you are in a whole unique atmosphere! This is an order of events type game play that is really original! You are the Great One (a pseudo God-Overseer, I guess) who helps out Pac-Man with his regular daily stuff that he needs to do.

The game is hysterical, and loaded with many forms of animation and unique things that happen to him. There is even a little bonus too - the classic forms of Pac-Man are all present in this game!

You just need to find out where they are! A blast from the past is looking good!

For those of you just arriving on Planet Earth, Pac-Man is one of the classic video games that started it all in the arcades. If you've yet to be initiated, here's all you need to know: Pac-Man is a round mound of fun who must cruise around a maze-like screen and gobble up all the little yellow power pills. When he's gobbled up all of the pills he can move on to the next maze.


  • Don't forget to use the side escapes to move back and forth from left and right.
  • Pac-Man doesn't maneuver too well in tight spots -- so don't get him caught in the comers!

Unfortunately for Pac-Man a troop of nasty ghosts haunt him as he cruises around the maze. If they catch him he loses a life. Lucky for Mr. Pac he can grab a giant power pill and turn the ghosts blue. While they're blue he can munch them down for bonus points. Pac-Man can also grab tasty fruit snacks and other bonus items that enable him to score big, earn extra lives, and generally have a good time.

Lure the ghosts close to a big dot and then grab it. Now you can gobble up the ghosts before they get away.

The Two Player version of the game is fun, although in both versions it's tough to maneuver Pac-Man without a joystick. Other than that the game is faithful to the arcade classic. If you liked Pac-Man in the arcades, you'll like it on the Game Gear. If you didn't... well... Wacka, Wacka, Wacka!

Another adventure of funny Mr. Pac. The concept of the game is shifted in the way of quest. Definitely a unique approach. The control is rather complex but easy to get used to. Nice graphics and great humor.

This time, Pac-Man has a series of quests to complete, and instead of guiding him directly you ask him to move left or right. Depending on his mood he may or may not listen, and you can use a slingshot to get his attention.

The entire cast of characters of Pac Man games star in this version. It seems that Inky, Binky, Pinky, and Clyde (or "the ghosts") have teamed up with new ally who could prove to be trouble for Pac-Land. Can Pac-Man and his family resist the newcomer? We'll see!

Join Pac-Man in a side-scrolling game incorporating both puzzle and action-adventure elements, where you must guide him through Pac-Land, solving puzzles and finding objects in order to defeat the evil Ghost Witch of Nentor. It was produced and published by Namco for the Super NES (SNES) and Mega Drive/Genesis systems, and was released on April 6, 1994 by Namco. Its gameplay differs greatly from the maze games that comprise the majority of the games in the series. The game is also noted for its large amount of funny failure scenes.

Snapshots and Media

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Screenshots

SNES/Super Nintendo/Super Famicom Screenshots

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    Andy said on Forum:

    Lol this game is so funny, Never mind the missions which are fun but real fun can be had by giving Pac Man a really bad day!.